Gerick Louvain Character in Victus | World Anvil
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Gerick Louvain

Gerick was once a respected senator representing the city of Druden in the Victus senate.   Hailing from the faraway lands of Zemnia, Gerick quickly proved to be decent orator and was able to win his election with relative ease.   His fate turned with the rise of the Farmer's revolt, the sudden and violent uprising in his city would have killed him were it not for the kindness of an elf named Rook Depotee, whom helped him pose as a commoner and flee the city.   Upon his return to the senate he was quickly ousted from power and thrown to proverbial wolves. Gerick did pretty well for himself and started the Louvain trading charter in The Imperial docks.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
15th of Terrasant 768, Age of Unity
Year of Birth
768 46 Years old


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