Zagesh Valoch Character in Victus | World Anvil
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Zagesh Valoch

The Cunning Reaper Zagesh Valoch (a.k.a. Zag)

Zagesh was orphaned at a young, losing his parents to a plague. He learned early on that it was easy to take advantage of adults when you are a pitiable child. He made sure to take full advantage of this fact, as he got older his skill at deceiving people grew. Eventually there were few people he could not deceive, and when he got in a sticky situation he could not talk his way out of he would dazzle his opponent with a flurry of knife work or a well placed crossbow bolt. Zagesh became a truly self reliant young man who enjoys other peoples company but keeps others at a short arms length distance, just in case.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Toned with some noticeable muscles, made for explosive movement, agility and dexterity. All in all, he would describe his build as an Assassins Body. Easy to blend in with a crowd, fast enough to quickly kill his target and flexible enough to escape with ease.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Prefers truthful employers, as a lack of information can be the difference between a successful mission and a failed one.

Virtues & Personality perks

-Will not harm children under any circumstances. -Is inherently kind and understanding, but will always finish his job if possible. -His reputation matters a great deal to him. -Love animals (more than people most of the times.)

Vices & Personality flaws

-Can be a risk taker -Despises child and animal abusers with a passion.


-Well groomed -always ready to present himself as a nobleman if needed.


Contacts & Relations

-Lady Evangeline Nemorosum {Human} (daughter of 'The Duke')       A seemingly nice young woman looking to strike out on her own and          become her own woman who is not simply her father's daughter but          a successful woman of her own. [Zagesh likes her, possible romance          later on perhaps?]   -Janaec Warmaster {Dwarf}       Owner of the Inn, The functioning mistake. Zagesh's home away            from home. A good place to grab some food, here about local                gossip and even plan a mission in the secret room.                                (Ask for "the room with the nice bed")   -Aetcis Et Lanos {Tiefling}       Runs a mobile market stall that sold bits and baubles throughout            the city. Known to always have a good deal on whatever she was            selling. One of Zagesh's contacts for dead drops and his trusted              fence.

Religious Views

Follower of The Raven Queen.

Hobbies & Pets

Nala the Dire Wolf.

A charismatic human who gets by on his cunning, guile and a few well placed daggers. As adept in social dialogue as he is in dealing death.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
-The Cunning Reaper. -The Unseen Knife.
Current Residence
Capital City of Domum in the Victus Senate.
Bright Green
Dark blue/black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 foot 5
220 lb.

Korbund under siege!

I arrived in my hometown of Korbund, I left the town soon after my parents death and have not been back since. Despite not having any real emotional attachment to this place I immediately felt rather melancholic and solemn. The town and the surrounding region are experiencing issues with a large group of Zenian bandits, considering how often our party seems to come across Zenians acting suspiciously there may be more going on here that it appears. Regardless, I have decided that I cannot simply leave my hometown to fend for itself. This is the place I grew up, the place my parents Sariah and Kurlon called home and I WILL defend it.


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