The Cunning Reaper Zagesh Valoch | World Anvil

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The Cunning Reaper Zagesh Valoch

Chaotic neutral Custom Lineage Human (Urchin)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

A charismatic human who gets by on his cunning, guile and a few well placed daggers. As adept in social dialogue as he is in dealing death.

Campaign & Party

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Thu 4th Nov 2021 06:41

Korbund under siege!

by The Cunning Reaper Zagesh Valoch

I arrived in my hometown of Korbund, I left the town soon after my parents death and have not been back since. Despite not having any real emotional attachment to this place I immediately felt rather melancholic and solemn. The town and the surrounding region are experiencing issues with a large group of Zenian bandits, considering how often our party seems to come across Zenians acting suspiciously there may be more going on here that it appears. Regardless, I have decided that I cannot simply leave my hometown to fend for itself. This is the place I grew up, the place my parents Sariah and Kurlon called home and I WILL defend it.

The major events and journals in Zagesh's history, from the beginning to today.

Military intrigues

08:32 pm - 09.02.2022

Military intrigues

02:56 pm - 08.12.2021

On to hearthhold

02:55 pm - 08.12.2021

On to hearthhold

03:15 pm - 23.11.2021

Korbund under siege!

I arrived in my hometown of Korbund, I left the town soon after my parents death and have not been back since. Despite not having any real emotional attachment to this place I immediately felt rather melancholic and solemn. The town and the surrounding re...

06:41 am - 04.11.2021

The sand king's land

07:13 pm - 03.11.2021

The sand king's land

03:00 pm - 03.11.2021

Aftermath of conquest

07:15 pm - 09.10.2021

Aftermath of conquest

02:24 pm - 09.10.2021

A fight for freedom

06:04 pm - 01.10.2021

A fight for freedom

02:55 pm - 01.10.2021

A humble town called Pear trail

08:20 pm - 27.09.2021

A humble town called Pear trail

02:11 pm - 27.09.2021

A job well done pt II

02:11 pm - 27.09.2021

A job well done pt II

02:55 pm - 10.09.2021

A day to remember

05:44 am - 07.09.2021

A day to remember

04:01 pm - 06.09.2021

A job well done

11:20 am - 06.09.2021

A job well done

04:46 pm - 05.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zagesh.

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Other Characters by Lord_Nuroch