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Perkunas (pronounced: pehr-KOON-us) was the Ancient god of magic and storms.  
Table of Contents   Description
  • Personality
  • Powers
  • Aspects
  • Realm
  • Activities
  • Relationships
  • Clergy
  • Orders
  • Temples
  • Rites
  • Scripture
  • Holy Days
  • Relics
  • Myths and Legends


In his natural form, Perkunas appears as an old balding human with a long white beard. He carries a brilliant staff as his arcane focus and flowing green and gold robes.   During Starfall, Perkunas fell to a mortal form yet to be recorded.  












Perkunas is diametrically opposed to The Whisper King who seeks to unravel the secrets of magic.  


Prior to Starfall, Perkunas was universally recognized as magic personified. Those who spellcast, aspire to, and beings born with a natural affinity to magic, such as elves, gnomes, and halflings incorporated Perkunas into their pantheons.   Elven cultures viewed Perkunas as The Great Tree, a source of magic that was both a natural extension of the world and something that could be cultivated and grown over time.   Gnomish cultures adopted Perkunas due to his mystical nature being closest to their affinity to color. They praised The Weaver, referring to what they call “The Weave of Magic,” with threads that sprawl out in a litany of patterns and shapes.   Halfling cultures focused on the way gemstones are often infused with magical powers or were used to harness and focus magical powers, thus Perkunas was praised as The Jeweler.   Outside of aspects focused on the creator and/or facilitator of magic, Perkunas was also referred to as The Grey Bolt and Wise Thunder.  


  Perkunas’s clergy are often indistinguishable from other spellcasters with those that choose to be clerics standing out due to their use of Perkunas’s holy symbol as an arcane focus and distinct green and golden robes associated with their deity.   Clerics of Perkunas always strive to maintain the balance between the divine, the arcane, and the natural worlds. These followers are careful to only provide service that is necessary and not superfluous to avoid upsetting the greater economy of the world and balance of national powers.   Archmages of the Thunder Halls are tasked with making the decisions and determinations of where these lines are drawn and who or what transgresses them. Due to these pressures and hopes of avoiding undue biases or influence in these decisions, Archmages often utilize simulacrums and scrying to communicate with one another as they deem necessary, focusing their time in cloisters, researching lost magic items, artifacts, and prophecy.  


  The Order of the Arcane Bolt   The Order of the Black Unicorn  


Temples dedicated to Perkunas were given the moniker of Thunder Halls, and could be found both within communities and in countryside cloisters, placed, supposedly, due to their relation to magical ley lines. These wide stone buildings were wreathed in the green and gold often associated with Perkunas and featured labyrinthine subfloors filled with magic practice rooms and great libraries spanning multitudes of topics not just related to the arcane. Reading rooms are available for the public with tomes pulled from the shelves by acolytes. Rumors persist that there are hidden and well-guarded sub-chambers beneath these libraries with texts bearing information “not for public consumption.”   Oftentimes, Thunder Halls that are built within a community inevitably expand and develop into institutes of magical learning, such as Sturger University.  


Members of the Thunder Halls are purveyors of magic, in all forms. They believe that, as Perkunas lives, so too is magic alive and continuing to evolve and change. Naturally, magic is wild, but it can be harnessed and wielded to overcome any obstacle through proper research and respect.   Perkunas’s clergy are encouraged to research, develop, and create magical techniques and spells to nurture its growth in the world. To do so, they adhere to the following guidelines:  
  • Refine arcane fundamentals
  • Complicate magical techniques
  • Devise and study runes
  • Seek out and protect all its forms
  • Teach arcane apprentices to treat magic responsibly
  Followers of Perkunas are also encouraged to promote order and knowledge within the world by recording events and maintaining balance between the arcane, the divine, and the natural.  


Spelllcasters pay heed to Perkunas frequently when they cast their spells as well as celebrate their various rites. The primary way of doing so is through the expending of material components that represent the desired effect of spells cast.   Outside of casting spells, followers of Perkunas may maintain an arcane focus or a personal shrine.  



Holy Days

Holy days recognized by followers of Perkunas correspond with times of year when the veils between realms are at their thinnest and magic is enhanced. Due to the wide factors of what can have an effect on magic, a single month may be filled with “holy days” or several months may pass without note.  


  • Wand of Esper is a wand that has up to 20 random effects that can occur. Each wand has a different makeup of abilities but all seem to be simple magic effects.
  • The Spellbook of Infinite Possibility is said to have been written by Perkunas himself describing how a spellcaster could flawlessly create a new spell through combinations of other spells in existence and possibly rewrite reality.



    Myths and Legends

    The Whisper King: It is said that, after The Whisper King tricked Nurunset into madness, Perkunas sealed The Whisper King away and stole away his name as punishment.
    A Tree with Lightning for Branches
    Aliases: The Great Tree (Elven) ; The Weaver (Gnomish) ; The Jeweler (Halfling) ; Grey Bolt or Wise Thunder(Human)   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Divine Rank: Ancient   Portfolio/Domains: Arcane Knowledge; Common Sense; Foresight; Intrigue; Knowledge; Magic; Oracle; Prophecy; Protection; Rune; Secrets; Storms; Weather; Wisdom; Wit   Worshipers: Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, Humans, and spellcasters of all varieties   Favored Weapon: Arcane Staff that appears to be a giant spell scroll.


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