
Kalawyn was founded by Shayroth, a now deceased dragon queen. It is the youngest of the three kingdoms.


When Shayroth ruled, Kalawyn was an absolute monarchy. Today, it more closely resembles Sheylantiir's governing system. Albeit, much less organized. Syllane, the Pearlescent  was quick to establish a governing council before turning her efforts north. She values her independence, and though she enjoys the power of being the queen, she doesn't enjoy the trivial aspects of rulership.


Families of six are common in Kalawyn. Typically, two parents will have four children. This belief is based on an old religious text thought to have been written by Shayroth herself.    "Families that produce offspring should do so for the betterment of their kingdom or not at all. Four offspring is ideal. One to feed the people and one to serve them. One to fight for the people and one to die for them."   It is expected that parents give half of their offspring to military service. If a child dies, it is thought of as them fulfilling their religious fate. While grieiving is to be expected, parents should feel honor at the loss of a child in combat.    The other two half of a family's offspring are more free to make their own choices. One is usually expected to grow crops to add to their region's surplus. The other is to "serve". This has been interpreted in many ways throughout history. Some enter the local guard or become politicians and others open shops. There are no enforced rules in this sense, but families that don't subscribe to this mantra are looked down upon.

Public Agenda

When Syllane came to power, she immediately made major changes. Perhaps she felt the need to prove herself given her young age. Kalawyn shares its northern border with the frontier lands. Syllane made it a priority to expand northward. In doing so, she provoked both the monstrous races that dwelled in the wilderness, and the independent settlements that wished to live free from dragon influence.


After Shayroth's death, the kingdom was left in disarray. The former queen was the sole monarch of Kalawyn, making nearly all decisions for the kingdom. Shayroth and Avin had a daughter, the dragon Syllane. It was thought that Syllane would one day take over rule of Sheylantiir, as Avin was far older than Shayroth. But Syllane, at just 50 years of age, took the throne of Kalawyn.   One of Syllane's first official actions as queen was to instate a governing council. Kalawyn, though the largest of the three Draconic Kingdoms, does not share the wealth of natural resources that Diostrath and Sheylantiir do. Syllane set her sights north and began to work towards the expansion of her kingdom, seeking new riches in the frontier.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Neighboring Nations


Jasith once got along well with Shayroth. The two were lovers for a time. When he discovered that Shayroth was to have the child of Avin, the Guardian, his fury caused a war.

Peace Pact

The two kingdoms have been at peace since Syllane, the Pearlescent took the throne of Kalawyn. As the daughter of Avin, the Guardian, she benefits from a certain favoritism that Shayroth did not.