The Drakewardens

Drakewardens are rangers who form special bonds with their beasts and tame the wilds. They have long served Kalawyn as protectors of the vast border with the frontier regions of Exol. When dangerous beasts or ravenous hordes of monstrosities push south, the Drakewardens are there to keep them at bay.   Drakewardens are semi-independent, serving the interests of Kalawyn without actually being a part of the regime.


The Drakewardens answer to Cecil Beckkett, a grisled older ranger who has achieved the highest level of bond with his Drake. Cecil holds the rank of General. He has two Senior Officers. Beneath the officers are the captains, followed by Trackers, Guides and Guardians.    While most members operate completely independently, Captains and higher ranks can command units should the need arise.    Trackers specialize in hunting, sometimes tracking criminals, escaped slaves, or serving the interests of Kalawyn.   Guides are often escorts. They train to protect travellers and are sometimes assigned to nobles or important figures as personal protection.   Guardians are the beast slayers of the Drakewardens. They patrol the forests, seeking out potential threats to the isolated settlements of the north and destroying them.


The bond between a ranger and his beast is one of the strongest bonds one can hope to form. A Drakewarden's bond is formed spiritually. Their connection to the natural world is powerful enough to manifest a draconic spirit in physical form. As their powers grow, the drake grows as well, blossoming from a small four-legged companion to a majestic winged creature large and strong enough to ride. Along the way, they gain an increasing share of the awe-inspiring power of dragons.
Military, Other
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Notable Members


On occasion, the Drakewardens deal with threats to Sheylantiir's northern border. The kingdom pays them handsomely for it. And while the Drakewardens don't ask for money, they are appreciative when they get it.