Kingdom of Genesis

"We care not for your galactic politics, but for the preservation of life. As sapient beings we are not above others, rather we hold the role of caretaker for the natural world. Our task is a sacred one and we must treat it as such."
The Kingdom of Genesis is a major empire within the Milky Way. The kingdom is known for its emphasis on environmental protectionism, taking great pains to prevent harm or exploitation of any world's flora or fauna. Despite the limitations they place upon themselves, the Genesians have risen to dominate their local region of space and are considered one of the major empires in the Alpha Quadrant.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Genesis is entirely homogenous with non-genesians not being permitted to live within its worlds with the exceptions of diplomats and ambassadors. While the Genesian population itself is diverse as they modify themselves on a genetic level to adapt themselves to each planet within their borders, they are all still considered the same species.


Genesians do not consider themselves to be religious but often describe themselves with spiritual terms. They will speak with great reverence about their "sacred" task of safeguarding the life on their worlds and revere their high queen with near deific deference.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom is rather isolationist, caring little for engaging in galactic politics for any reason. Their isolationism has left them few friends on the galactic stage, but their fleet is formidable enough to prevent them from being bullied by other powers.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gift economy
Executive Body
The Executive body is vested in the High Queen of Genesis who has undisputed power over her people to enforce the laws of the kingdom.
Official Languages
Related Species


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