
"We are not Human, we left that part of ourselves behind along with its failures. We serve a purpose higher than humanity was willing to."
Genesians are a sapient species from the planet Genesis within the Alpha Quadrant of the Milky Way. Genesians are the descendents of Humans who voluntarily underwent extensive genetic modification to alter their appearance and physiology to better suit their new homeworld of Genesis. The Genesians are quite adimant about their classification as being separate from humanity and calling them human or even human offshoots is considered highly offensive.

Basic Information


Genesians retain the basic skeletal and muscular structure of thier human forebearers but differ significantly in thier appearance. Their skin has a smooth, scaly texture that ranges in tone from blue to white to purple. Genesian skulls are also elongated and have three tendrils that dangle from each side of their head. These tendrils are semi-dexterous but are incapable of carrying anything weighing more than a few grams and are primarily used for communication.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genesians are unique among large spacefaring civilizations in that nearly all of them continue to favor natural pregnancy over cloning or artificial wombs. Genesian pregnancy lasts for roughly 11 months and due to their elongated skulls most births are performed via cesarean section.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Genesians are considered to be of average intelligence for sapient species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Genesians have similar sensory capabilities to Humans.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Genesian technology is unique in that it focused upon the preservation of and harmony with nature. Genesians use minimalistic designs in order to avoid exploiting more resources than necessary. Despite the limitations, the Genesians manage to remain at pace with the galactic standard for technology though they do not push many new boundaries.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Dress Code

When on the surface of their worlds, Genesians will typically have minimal clothing, if any. Genesians are generally tailored genetically to thrive in their world's climate, leaving them little or no need to cover their bodies for warmth. They do utilize space suites when traversing space or when additional protection is necessary, such as exploration or dealing with ecological contamination.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Genesians are concerned first and foremost with the preservation of the ecosystems of their colonized worlds. They have found that few share their level of devotion to this task and as such want little to do with other sapient species, viewing them as wasteful at best and destructive and dangerous at worst. They do not allow other species to live on thier worlds except as ambassadors or diplomatic envoys and even then they are kept under close scrutiny.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Genesis
150 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Genesians are slightly weaker than humans physically.
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