Ostendo Directorate

"The Directorate claims to be the custodians of humanity's legacy, but they keep pushing the boundaries so far that I wonder if humanity can keep up with whatever it is they're becoming."
The Ostendo Directorate is one of the most powerful Human factions within the Milky Way and is renowned throughout the galaxy for their advanced technology and dedication to advancement.


The Ostendo Directorate is a technocratic meritocracy that assigns positions based on aptitude. The Director is selected from among the most capable candidates and is reviewed by a number of boards for mental, intellectual, and military competence. The Director is charged with directing the large-scale affairs of the directorate with the aid of relevent committees.

Public Agenda

The Ostendo Directorate has maintained for centuries that their primary concern is the expansion and preservation of knowledge and understanding of the Universe, to this end they are heavily invested in research and engineering developments and are eager to engage in diplomacy with other empires, though mainly for reasons of cultural and scientific exchange. They are defensive of their territory however, and will fight to the end to defend their vast troves of data.


The Ostendo Directorate commands an impressive star fleet and a vast network of defensive space stations throughout their borders. In addition to their martial strength, the Directorate has access to some of the best research facilities in the Milky Way and have become extremely advanced in their technology.

Demography and Population

The majority of the Directorate's population is human, many of whom are the descendents of the original members of the Directorate from it's inception on Earth but there are those with other origins as well. There is also a minority of alien species within the directorate who are granted rights and citizenship if they prove loyal to the state.

Technological Level

The Directorate is handily the most technologically advanced of the various human factions, having risen to the brink of a type II civilization, actively working on megastructures such as Dyson Swarms and artificial planetary rings.


The Ostendo Directorate is a secular institution founded on the supremacy of science and rational thought. Consequently, while the governement does not discriminate against any praticular faith, it nonetheless has a very low percentage of its population who would consider themselves religious.

Foreign Relations

The Directorate attempts to maintain amicable relations with other political entities whilst maintaining its own independence. It refuses to engage in defensive agreements with other entities, let alone full-blown military alliances, though it will happily pursue policies of non-aggression and trade.
Founding Date
21 July, 1995
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species