
"Humanity has proven that despite their flaws, they carry an unquenchable spark of potential. We must take care lest that spark set the galaxy aflame."
Humans are a young but prominant species in the Milky Way in the 26th century. Unlike most spacefaring species, humans are not politically unified into a single entity but remain divided into various, sometimes competing factions that are not even nominally under a single authority. Despite, or perhaps even because of, their lack of political unity, the humans have spread across the galaxy, carving out large wathes of the Alpha quadrant for their own empires.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans in the 26th century, like many other advanced species, will often favor using artificial wombs to birth offspring over undergoing a natural pregnancy. Several human societies also make liberal use of cloning and "designer babies" to create humans with desirable traits.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are widespread throughout the Milky Way but are especially concentrated in the Alpha Quadrant.

Average Intelligence

Humans are of average intelligence for sapient species though many have undergone genetic modification in order to boost their brain capacities or have been specially engineered for that purpose.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Humans have brought their wide array of livestock, crops, and pets across the stars with them.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Ostendo Directorate
The Ostendo Directorate is a polity founded by the leaders of the Ostendo Project who forged a technocratic state on the world of Sofia.  
Gran Bolivia
Notably the only human nation state to survive the cataclysm, Gran Bolivia is a democratic state with a strong track record of working with alien societies.

Average Technological Level

Humans had discovered fusion power, the internet, faster than light travel via wormholes, Energy Weapons, and advanced Hydroponics before the apocalypse.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English, Neo-Hispanic, Arabic, Mandarin, French, Hindi, many others.


Human history is one filled with triumph and tribulation in the face of steep odds. The story of how humanity took its first steps beyond the reaches of its home system was unlike any other path taken by other sapient species and is reflected in thier enduring political divisions and the various ideologies championed by their several empires.   At the close of the 20th century the leaders of the various nation states of Earth became aware of the presence of an extraterrestrial craft that emerged from beyond the Kuiper Belt and seemed to observe the solar system passively. Faced with the evidence that intelligent life existed out there and that it was far more advanced than humanity, the leaders of Earth activated the Ostendo Project; a deep science organizatiopn meant to push the limits of human technology and bring humanity up to standards in short order. Without alerting the public as to the reason for the changes, several of the disputes between nation states began to disipate and resources and personell began to flow accross national borders more freely than ever. Joint military exercises involving multiple nations became a frequent occurance and exploitation of rare earth minerals became ever more widespread. However, this unity among the ruling class did not always extend to the rest of humanity.   In response to the growing envirnmental degridation brought about by the extraction of rare earth minerals and fossil fuels needed to fuel the Ostendo Project's research and development mandate, a number of eco terrorist cells began to spring up around the world. These cells were disconnected at first, but soon began to coordinate under the banner of the Cetic Alliance. The Cetic Alliance sabotaged railways, shipping ports, and airports in an attempt to disrupt the environmental degredation. These attacks, however, only steeled the UN's resolve and it called upon its member states to step up counter-terrorism opperations. This, in turn, lead to an increase in radicalism among Cetic sympathizers and other disenfranchized groups. This came to a head when a bio-engineered plague was released by Cetic extremists in the Ruhr Valley, killing hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of days and bringing Germany's economy to a standstill. The UN directed the leaders of the Ostendo Project to focus efforts on weapons and armor development in order to quash the Cetic threat. The Project began to utilize experimental gene tailoring technology to create genetically enhanced soldiers to serve as the frontliners in the new war on terror.   As the situation deteriorated, several human groups began to prepare contingencies for their own survival. World leaders were made aware of functional wormhole technology developed by the Ostendo Project, though precise navigation was not yet possible. The nations of South America united under the banner of Gran Bolivia and began the process of preparing to evacuate as much of its population and leadership as it could from the planet. Other nations began to follow suit, though few were as well positioned to do so and the strain of the effort lead many developing nations to collapse into infighting. Several private organizations also began to make thier own plans to leave earth as they saw the writing on the wall. In 2077, either due to a rogue agent or perhaps a genuine system failure, a nuclear missile was launched, leading to other nations launching thier own stockpiles. Several of the more well prepared groups were able to evacuate the planet and flee to the stars, but billions of humans would perish in the radioactive firestorms that would coat the planet for the next few weeks. Over the following centuries, the various groups of human survivors, cut off from one another with no knowledge of who else managed to escape, made their way to worlds they found suitable for habitation and began to rebuild thier societies. Several of these societies proved very successful and soon expanded to new star systems, forming the first human interstellar empires.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans are generally quite open to surface-level interaction with alien species, though they generally tend to favor their own kind when searching for political partnerships.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
100 years
Average Height
1.7-2.0 meters
Average Weight
55-90 kilograms
Average Length
2.5 meters
Average Physique
Humans have an above average physical strength among sentient species within the galaxy but are far from the strongest.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans have a range of skin colors ranging from deep black to brown to light pink.
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