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Arwyn Bromms

Arwyn Bromms, reformed pirate now working for the local government to capture and deal with a rising pirate problem in the city of Oralyn. His big personality makes him stand out in the crowd. Often enjoying himself and getting into all sorts of trouble with both allies and enemies.  
Sadly yes, I know Arwyn. Him and his friend are completely useless. I heard he crashed a ship in the docks a few months ago. How can you crash? It's not hard to see an entire continent infront of you! Anyway, people say he's a hero but I very much doubt that.Atorin, Shopkeeper of Head & Toe


  • Brawler
  • Loud
  • Mischeivous
  • Moralist


  • Vitor Hue - Friend and ally. Fought together to stop the Gillan rebels and find the Lute of Shara
  • Mayor Kah-Lonn - Employer. Working together to work on the rising pirate issue. Disagree on a lot but espect each other
  • Captain T-Sahar - Enemies. Previous crew member of the same ship until Arwyn betrayed him and killed his brother


In his younger days Arwyn was one of the many orphans on the streets of Oralyn. Who stole for others and causing trouble to save himself and his friends. Until one day when the Brazen Bandits pillaged the city during the night. Arwyn was caught up in the skirmish and ended up fending off a pair of bandits from the captain of the Jagged Oak. Impressed by his bravery the captain offered for him and his friend to join the crew.   For the next ten years, the brashful pirate sailed over the seas with the Brazen Bandits. But deep down he felt wrong doing a lot of things others deemed acceptable. Things like ruining a village for no good reason and selling prisoners to unworthy clients. In the end, Arwyn had enough of the pirate life and wanted out.   On the night of his betrayal, Arwyn was caught by the brother of the new Captain T-Sahar. Being caught as a deserter, Arwyn had no choice but engage in combat with the bandit. Killing him in the process and escaping into the open waters hoping to leave the pirate life behind.   He returned to Oralyn and hid away in taverns hoping to keep out of trouble. But that was easier said than done. One drunken night he had stirred trouble in the wrong bar, drawing the attention of the Brazen Bandits once more. Who imprisoned the traitor and waited for Captain T-Sahar to return to the city. That is until Arwyn escaped with a strange bard known as Vitor Hue.   The pair escaped and ended up on a quest to find the lute of Shara, defeat the Gillan rebels and seemingly defeat Captain T-Sahar, who is currently locked away in Oralyn city prison. Seeing the impressive work of the heroic duo, Mayor Kah-Lonn offered them a job to deal with pirate activity in the city. While his friend Vitor did not accept, Arwyn rose to the occasion to take on a new life of protecting the innocent.

Current Status:

After an explosion at the prison led to several prisoners escaping including Captain T-Sahar, Arwyn is now building a team to hunt down the captain and his loyal crew members who are lurking in the shadows. But his lack of experience as a leader is proving to make the situation rather difficult.

Brawler Mischievous Loud

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
Current Location
Dusty Blonde
5ft 7in
Species | Apr 6, 2024
Settlement | Jul 1, 2024
Vitor Hue
Character | Jun 2, 2024

Once a simple bard now turned adventurer travelling the lands of Cytal with favourite lute and trusty shovel? With his sky blue fancy jacket and slick back brown hair, this charming man gets into all sorts of trouble.


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