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The Clampren, the water scorpion of the sea. A giant crustaceous creature that lives on the horizon of beaches, swimming on the lower levels of the water. Occasionally heading to the surface to defend its territory. A beast sailors may encounter when coming into docks after a long voyage.  
Oh they're big alright. Big nasty brutes that can give you a good brawl. Why just a few month back we faced off one after escaping prison and taking over a Brazen Bandit ship. And to see it scare so many of those pirates, well it put a smile on my face.


Looking at it head on, you will see its two bulbous eyes bulging from its head. In between is two horns that curl forming the shape of a standing snake, sharpened on the ends threatening any adventurer not to get close. Its body is formed of 3 chunks of armoured shell often with an uneven texture to it. The first chunk homes its two arms with fish hook claws that it can use to grab anything nearby. The second and third chunks has its legs poking out from, which it uses to scurry along the land or swim in the ocean. At the back is a large scorpion like tail, whilst it has no stinger, it can certainly cause damage if the tip was to stab you. Growing to be as large or sometimes bigger than the sharks and dolphins that reside in the same same space of water, the Clampren can be a real challenge if met face to face.   This beast of the sea is not a common sight for land lovers, so very few have heard of it, even less have witnessed it. But it can be a common threat to sailors and pirates. The creature itself prefers to stay close to the surface of the seabed looking for larger fish to prey on and often lured to ships rippling on the ocean surface. Many swim alone and don't like the company of other of its kind, getting very defensive over its food and possessions.  


Claw - With its huge pincirs, it throws you into the air, ready to catch you with its sharp and powerful claws. 1d8 melee damage, chance to cause bleeding on a critical roll.   Tail Sting - Its behind is whipping and twisiting in the air, heading directly for its target with precise accuracy. 1d6 melee damage, chance to cause bleeding on a critical roll.
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 12
DS - 13
Brute - +1
Defence - +1
Claw - 1d8 melee (bleed)
Tail Sting - 1d6 melee (bleed)


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