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One of the three main continents that exist in the world of Violem. Seperated from the main land in a natural event before Acurans roamed the lands. Life on this continent evolved a little more different than the main land, resulting in more powerful Acruans, kingdoms of royalty and stronger influences from creatures outside the realm of magic. Whilst life here wasn't quiet by any mean, the residents of this continent weren't aware of more magic wielders until an explorer named Captain Hoarwae sailed onto their shores, introducing them to cities such as Oralyn, Birohhal & the now lost Prassan.     Great Kingdom of Eyeaton - The First kingdom built by Acurans as a way to keep the innocent safe from the dangers of the Wild.   Maraleye Kingdom - The kingdom of Sorcerers, built by those who did not wish to live under the rules of Eyaton anymore.   Arison, Kingom of Peace - Founded as a peace treaty after the war between Eyaton & Maraleye.   Shenaria, Northern Kingdom - The 4th kingdom to be created by explorers of the Northern Mountains in order to protect the villages and towns nearby from the threats of the Crossroads.   The Wilds - Unclaimed lands and home to monsters and dark forces.   Ruined Lands - Barren wastelands torched and destroyed by battles between Eyaton & Maraleye in the dark times. Now home to dark forces which keep Eyaton cutoff from the rest of the continent.   Crossroads - A collection of caves & Catacombs in the Northern Mountains that lead to several waystones and gateways to other realms, including the realms of Ice, Wind, Stone & more.
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