Bnoch Species in Violem | World Anvil
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Yeah I saw one once. Found it whilst we were searching an old Creed hideout. Funny little thing it was. Stuck out like a sore thumb. And when it started running on the roof, well. I had to do a double take.
— Fiy-Lo, Shard Warrior
  The Bnoch (pronounced knock) is a furry 2 legged creatures with the ability to change the gravity of a localised area. Often found on the ceilings of caves and tunnels, these playful monsters enjoy teasing other small creatures in the caves like rats and slimes before swallowing them whole for supper.


These fuzzy beasts can be found in large tunnel networks and narrow cave systems across the lands to allow them to use their gravity manipulation to the full potential. The underground habitats have to be cooler than average otherwise they get too hot under all the fur but not so cold that they have to endure frost. You would never find them in a desert temples surrounding Fi-Ha or the frozen terrain of The Crossroads.  


The Bnoch stands at around 3ft tall, with two bulky legs either side of its face. Its body is covered in a thin layer of red fur making them stand out in most environments. At the base of each leg is a large pad with a similar texture to a dog's paw, often the colouring of black or grey to match its extremely long tongue.  


If this creature is startled then it will immediately invert gravity in a localised area and daze its oppenent long enough for it to escape if it chooses. The area of affect is 30ft in radius and can manipulate both living creatures and inanimate obejcts. With a single growl, the change of gravity can occur in a matter of seconds. During the transition from one side of the room to another the playful nature of the Bnoch will see them flipping and spinning in the air for fun, before touching its pads on the new surface.  
Potential plot hook: Your party arrive at a town terrifed to leave their homes. Has a monster from the nearby forest gotten loose? Have people from the shadows come out to reveal their wicked plans? No, instead the townsfolk are afraid that if they step outside, they will float away into the skies above, never to touch the ground again. As you enter the dirt pathways, you feel a sense of lightness to your steps. The bags on your backs have started to bob up and down. And you are amazed to find the rocks and pebbles on the walkways are hovering above the muddy ground. What is causing such a thing?
  The red haired beast also has a lethal coating of palalyzing saliva that can leave a target immobile. A perfect offence against smaller creatures that it feeds on as well as larger beasts and monsters that may want to cause it harm. The affects of paralysis can last for a few minutes or in some cases entire days.  
Separated from the rest of the party, I found myself face to face with not one, but two Bnoch. Taunting me with grins on their faces as they continued to swap the floor and ceiling. Over and over again, like it was some kind of game. My attempts to land on my feet seemed fruitless and I was taking a battering. It wasn't until the rest of my team arrived that the room stopped spinning and I could firmly grasp the ground once more.
— Unknown, Ivory Champion
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 11 DS - 12 Actions:
Gravity Flip - Growls and inverts gravity, 20ft radius
Lick - Ranged 1d4 (Paralyse)


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