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Dedrof Metal

The common ore buried deep below the depths of the Hoarwae rainforests, lies an overlooked brown ore known as Dedrof. Once exposed to the air, the cocoa brown metal rusts into a beautiful pale green surface, becoming as strong as steel in the process.   Rare to see outside of the rainforests, but the settlements that have found and discovered the metal use it as an alternative to iron and steel. Crafting tools, weapons and armour with the metal alongside other common items such as cutlery, window frames and chains. It is most prominent in the settlement of Fort Colcha and the neighbouring quarry which Dedrof was found in abundance.  
Wht's this? Hmm, peculiar. Do you know what this is by any chance? I am not surprised, for its not very common in the kingdom. If I am not mistaken, this is Dedrof metal. As common as any copper or iron, if you know where to look of course. Nothing too exciting I'm afraid, what else have you got to show me?
— Jeweller in Arison

Notable Uses:

Tuning fork of Frogs - A tuning fork carved out of Dedrof metal that is tuned to a frequency that resonates with any nearby amphibians. Striking the fork allows you to command amphibians for the next 10 minutes.   Bands of the Raging Storm - A collection of four metal bracelets, each scribed with a different rune allowing the user to cast and combine spells at the wave of a hand. (Spark, Blinding Light, Gust, Tremor)   Lady Sinessa's Pendant - A present to Lady Sinessa by her husband in the age of exploration, now on in possession of the archeologist group, Paramound. This Dedrof pendant was imbued with an enchantment that glowed whenever she was in the thoughts of her husband.
Aura Stone
Material | Sep 8, 2024
Frost Flint
Material | Jul 29, 2024
Hoarwae Continent
Geographic Location | Jul 9, 2024


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