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Eye of Pard

The Eye of Pard is a legendary item, said to be gifted to a pair of Jynx who saved the God of Illusions from a trickster demon. Legend says the eye is able to see past all illusions in the mortal realm as well as allowing the holder of the eye to disguise themselves as anything they can imagine.  

Pard & the Trickster Demon:

As another successful show comes to a close. The members of the Tale Tone clan return to their quarters for a good night's rest. All except the Ayr-Lu the Narrator. An older woman who quietly sits by the fire to watch the stars above on an cool Autumn night.   Her quiet time is disturbed a clattering of metallic pots and pans, with a rather clumsy fairy greeting the ground with his face. Oreal, the stunt fairy. Whilst an excellent daredevil, seems unable to keep still for too long making him a nuisance on a night. But the old narrator does not mind, for he has a heart of gold and resepect for every member of the clan.   As he picks himself up, Oreal notices the watchful eyes of Ayr-Lu and is quick to apologise for disturbing her. Explaining he was attempting to clean the dinner dishes, but they simply do not stack well. He stomps over and makes himself comfortable next to the old lady, wrapping her in an extra blanket for protection from the slight breeze of the night.   The two members of the clan begin to converse, talking about all sorts of things. From the performance of the evening, to the next stunts Oreal wishes to attempt in the near future. But one part of the conversation really peaked the narrator's interest. And it all involves a legend from Oreal's home world of Fairies, involving gods, demons and cats...

Long ago, when the gods roamed the lands, there was a demon named Nybbas. A shapeshifter who wondered the mortal plane, tricking innocent souls to meet their ultimate demise. It was good at what it did, clever with its words and excellent at casting false images. So good in fact, that Nybbas had grown tired of collecting souls. They were easy prey. Too predictable, too easy for its talents. It needed a challenge. And that challenge came in the form of a wandering god.   Pard, the panther God of Illusion was walking through the forests, watching the birds chirping above and the bugs, crawling below. Seeking inspiration for his latest mirages and apparitions. Completely minding his own business, never noticing the trickster demon lurking in the shadows. Watching, waiting to pounce.   When the god's back was turned, Nybbas was swift and cast a spell of deception onto the eyes of Pard. With moments, the panther god's vision was distorted. Unable to see clearly, the birds seemed to fly backwards and the critters scuttled along invisible walls. The peaceful forest now turned to pillars of shadow with seemingly no escape. The god of illusions was under a spell he could not escape. He tried finding a way out, attempted to make sense of what he was seeing. Eventually realising he could not see a way out, Pard called out for help. All while the demon stood by his side, cackling with delight.   The voice of Pard echoed throughout the forest. The cries of help searching for someone to come rescue him. After hours of calling out, the voice of Pard reached the ears of two brothers. A pair of Jynx, who happened to be gathering wood for their nearby camp. The brothers heard the cry for help and decided the right thing to do is try and find the mystery voice in peril.   As they followed the voice, getting louder and louder, they came across a clearing in the forest. Here, they found the God of Illusions trapped inside a cage of trickery and the demon Nybbas still laughing at the foolish deity. The brothers recognised the demon from stories and warnings, knowing the only way to banish a demon was to call out it's name. The first brother called out into the open air, "Dolus!". But it did not affect the demon stood before them. The second tried another name, "Bakeneko!". Still, the demon remained. The two brothers thought as hard as they could to think of the correct name before coming to the same conclusion. In unison, the brothers revealed the name of the trickster demon, "Nybbas!". And through the power of words, the demon was banished from the mortal plane and sent back to hell. Lifting the spell cast over Pard, freeing him to see reality once more.   The god thanked the two Jynx brothers for saving him from his imprisonment and blessed them with a gift. Peeling off a spot off his back and presenting the brothers with the Eye of Pard. A magical token that would allow them to see through any illusion so they would never fall the same fate as he did. Then, with one final bow to the brothers he made his way back to the land of immortals. Plotting revenge on the demon who tricked the god of illusions.
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