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Orb of Innesson

Another successful show wraps for the Tale Tone Clan. The crowds funnel out of the big tent still buzzing with excitement from the spectacular show they just watched. As for the performers and clan members they celebrate yet another well crafted show, with Ayr-Lu the Narrator hobbling over to her wagon and getting comfortable for rest she deserved. As she walks, she can hear the feint conversations of audience members chatting away about future plans. Reminding her of a story...

As the Story Goes:

Palhiera was a strong believer in destiny. So much that she wanted nothing more in life than to be just like her idol Innesson, Acuran of Prophecies. She longed for the days where she could see into the future, decipher what had install for others and help guide people on the right path that, she hoped, would lead to a wonderful life. One night, she prayed to the stars above and sought permission from the Acuran for help. Palhiera asked for a sign on how she could live her life in a way that would please this god of predetermination.   She waited and waited but no sign came to. She was not heard by the spirit and so she returned to her quarters to rest for the night. The next morning Palhiera woke up to an unusual sight. A clear glass orb placed in the centre of her garden. It was perfectly round, encasing a small swirling vortex of colourless mist. As the curious woman picked up the orb she found herself overwhelmed with visions of things yet to come. Her prayers had been answered and her destiny was set. This orb that had magically appeared overnight led Palhiera to become the first seer. A title given to those who read the future and bless others with the knowledge of what is to come.  

What Happened Next:

Overtime more and more were chosen by the spirit of Innesson to continue her work of sharing prophecies. Training with replica crystal orbs and deciphering the abstract images into something more understandable.   As for the original orb, it is said that it was stolen during the night by a thief. Lost to time and out of reach of Palhiera and the other seers. But this not matter much to them, for they believe that the orb will one day return to them once more. To its rightful owner. And when it does, it shall save the world from a terrible threat yet to come.
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