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Roc are giant birds talked about in various myths and old stories. They are described to be huge in scale and have scale shaped feathers giving them protection against any threat they receive as well as the ability to fly with ease.   It is said they were guardians of the mountains, no one knows where they came from or where they live. But it is assumed they are all but gone from the world of Violem as of the New Era.  

The Legend

The origins of the Roc are unknown, it is said they are creatures that lived among Violem long before any Acuran walked the lands. But still to this day, the stories prevail. These ancient creatures are depicted as birds of scale and feather. Soaring above the skies casting shadows 50ft wide, stretching out their wings and blocking light of the daystar. Legends speak of their connection with the natural elements, the first true Alum to roam the world.   As time moved on, Acurans and Minauran came to exist. Building villages, learning of magic and slowly exploring more and more. The Roc watched them grow and they in return looked up to them, respected them, saw them as saviours in their time of need.   You see, in the Ancient times danger was still present. Only it took the form of serpents, giant monsters from another realm. Vicious, violent, hungry. And early Acuran were the perfect meal. Still unaware of their magical abilities they were defenceless against the slithering reptiles, there is nothing they could do. The Roc however would not idly stand by. They swooped in to protect the Acuran, defend the Minauran and waged bloody battles with the serpents. A war they ultimately won and drove most of the serpents back to where they came, but at a great cost.   Whilst the Roc were able to push back the reptilian beasts, many sacrificed their own lives to save the Acuran. The few that remained flew into the sky, into the stars searching for a new home. A new world for their kind, to start anew. And so the Roc left the realm of magic, leaving way for the rise of Acurans.  

The Appearance

While there is no living being who has seen a Roc in the flesh. Many stories, legends and writings describe them as giant bird creatures. With the head of a hawk covered in a pattern of compact shimmering scales, their eyes a near perfect circle and shining brighter than a star in the night sky. The birds beaks a shade of white or yellow and curved like a fishing hook on the end. When grounded you could see their plumage, a lighter shade to their wing colours softer than a pillow made from a cloud. The rest of the bodies were covered in large feathers shaped like a falling raindrop and coloured in a shade similar to the element they were naturally connected to. The wings stretched out upto 50ft making them a presence to be known, sometimes even feared. And their wide fan tails alight with aura and drawing one of the natural elements to the Roc. If they aligned with water, a trail of vapour would follow their flight path. If they were associated with fire, roaring flames would flicker.  

Named Ones

The Roc appear in a number of fables, tales and stories all throughout Violem. Many of whom have been given names and have been granted solo stories of their own. Some of the more common ones are listed below:   Garuda, King of the Roc. With golden feathers and the ability to transform into an Acuran form. This was one of the last remaining Roc after the war with the serpents and led the survivors into the stars to find a new home.   Phenarax, the immortal. A roc coloured with vibrants reds and yellows, Phenarax is said to hold the gift of reincarnation via the powers of fire. Some believe it was a way of protecting the lands of Violem for all eternity.   Thrun, the Thunder Roc. The bird of all storms, sporting dark blue feathers and white feathered tips. The story of Thrun is that it is a Roc who returned from the stars with a vengance against the Acuran and cursed the lands with the power of lightning and thunder. Usually a myth told to try and scare children at night.   Laror & Daroo, Roc of Light & Darkness. Many believe that when one eventually dies, their souls moves on the gates of the Soul Realm. There they are greeted with two Roc who judge your soul and determine where your soul shall remain in the afterlife. With Laror being made of pure light and 4 wings and Daroo shrouded in a dark void and two heads. More can be seen in the article Passing of Souls.


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