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Passing of Souls

Nothing is truly immortal. Eventually all things must come to an end, the same is true for the beings of Violem. From the most humble Minauran to the most powerful Acuran, all eventually reach an age where their they leave the mortal plane of Violem. But what many across the lands believe, is that death is not the end for a soul. Instead, it passes on to the afterlife.   The process is simple, when someone becomes deceased, their souls is lifted out of the mortal body and floats into the stars. Wondering the cosmos eventually reaching the gates of the realm of Souls. At the gate, they are greeted by two specific Roc. Laror & Daroo. Each sporting 2 sets of wings twice the size of any seen in Violem but opposite in colour. One is made of pure white feathers, to the point they are nearly blinding. The other wearing scales coated in a pitch black liquid, more ominous than a black hole in the deepest void.   These two majestic and towering birds greet the souls that come to the entrance of the Soul Realm and judge them, based on the actions of their mortal life. Depending on the way of the judging, depends where the soul is sent to next. If a soul is deemed to have lived a good life, then Laror will guide them to the land of virtue. If the opposite is true, and the soul is deemed to have lived a life of evil and corruption, Daroo throws them into the land of Sins. No matter where the soul ends up, once they enter the Realm of Souls, they remain here for the rest of eternity.    


  Many beings throughout Violem believe in the story of Laror & Daroo. Especially ancient Acurans and Minaurans before the discovery and knowledge of other realms. The Alum didn't believe this to be true, particularly Soul Alum. A rare type of Alum with a natural connection to souls and spirits. Due to their connection with soul magic, they are more aware of what really happens in the afterlife and therefore do not believe the story of two judgemental Roc. The other Alum tend to believe in variations of reincarnation.  

Cheat Death:

  Some beings, mostly Necromancers, have tried to cheat death. Obsessing with immortality and attempting to tie their souls to the mortal realm. This has led to several artefacts, relics, incantations and rituals to be created with varying degrees of success. This includes but is not limited to: Soul Cage Spell, Eccahlina Containers, Ghosts and Ghasts.


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