Sinister Sorceress in Violem | World Anvil
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Sinister Sorceress

As the Libarian made his regular patrol around the corridors of bookshelves and activating the security wards to protect his oh so precious books. He is stopped in his tracks by a figure, their face shrouded in shadow by a large hood. They stand at the end of the long corridor, not saying a word.   The old man is not sure what to do, he is in no state for a fight. He is tired and wishes to return home, but his impression of the figure did not seem malicious. He calls out to ask if they are merely lost, it is a big building after all.   The cloaked one says nothing, instead they merely standing as still as a statue. Curiosity gets the better of the Librarian and he tucks his arms into his robes and approaches, attempting to get some response from the stranger. Only once he is standing in front of them, does the stranger begin to make conversation.   They simply ask for the story of the Sinister Sorceress. The mention of the name causes the old man to gasp. He does not like that title. He does not like the name at all. He straightens himself up in an attempt to show his seriousness, calmly but firmly asking not to ask for stories they are not prepared to hear. But this does not disturb the stranger, instead they simply ask again.   The Librarian pleads with them not to ask again, that story is not pleasant, and will bring them nothing of value in this day and age. The silence of the cloaked one refuses the pleads of the old man. They will not leave until they hear the story. Giving a deflated expression, the Librarian finally gives in the demands of this mysterious figure and leads them to the lower levels and begin the tale of the Sinister Sorceress.
      Not all stories are nice, or have a happy ending. It is even worse when the story is one of truth. Which is why this tale in particular is something many do not wish to repeat.   It all begins with a look girl far away, in the lands of Ascor. A little girl named Hassallia who was hidden from the gods of fortune. She was born into a dark and cruel world, a home full of violence and fear. Her mother taken away from her at a young age, by the man she would call a father. A coward who ran and fled the scene, leaving Hassallia all alone in the world. Where would she go? What would she do? How would she survive? As these questions circled her mind, an old woman covered by a cloak found the little girl. She stared deep into her soul and saw the pain and fear. She took pity on the girl. She approached the broken soul and offered her a new home. Far away from here where she would be safe and have a new family full of sisters. With no other choice, the little girl took the old woman’s hand and left the capital of Maraleye and began her new life in a coven of witches. The Sisters of Lichan.   Despite the names, these witches were not intent on raising the dead or using dark magic for its intended purpose. Instead, they were reformed necromancers who pledged on using magic to help the world instead of burning it to the ground. The sisters saw potential in the little girl and believed she could be the greatest witch in the coven. Teaching her the ways of sorcery, always as a way of good intentions. But what the sisters had not grasped yet, was the pain and suffering inside Hassalia. Those strong emotions that quickly morphed and distorted into anger and hatred, eventually leading her to discover black magic and spells of the Necromancer.   Hassalia, now a young woman had grown in strength and in power. Her own thoughts excelling her magical potential far further most would be capable of. But all through the use of darkened spells and blood rituals. The young woman was not careful enough in her personal studies, leading to the Sisters of Lichan discovering her true nature and exiling her from the coven. A hard choice for the old woman who had found her all those years ago, but the coven would not except dark magic inside their druid circle. But the decision to banish Hassalia was too little, too late. For she now had the means to carry out her plans.   She set out on a quest, to search the lands of Ascor for her cowardly father. Who left her all those years ago, the man who should not be able to escape and live a life of peace. Hassalia would make him pay for what he did, make him suffer like she and her mother did. Her rage blinded her to focus on anything else, leaving her pale and gaunt in the face. The once young and youthful face was now something that inflict nightmares on anyone who dared looked her way.   During her journey, she developed her plans, testing and experimenting with darker and darker magic. Luring men she met along her travels to become the subjects of her torture methods. Her actions led her to be granted a rather fitting name by the people of Maraleye, the Sinister Sorceress. But soon enough, her journey came to an end, as she found her father in the capital, the place where it all started.   News of the Sinister Sorceress had reached the coven of witches that took her in. They felt responsible for the young woman, guilt that they had released her into the world and a sense of duty to stop her. So the old woman that took Hassalia in so long ago led the sisters back to the capital. And what they found was something beyond their imagination.   The city had erupted into chaos. Bodies slumped on the streets. Women and children running, crying, screaming. As for the men, they had found themselves struck by a hypnotic spell, leaving them in a state of total obedience to the vengeful witch. They guarded the home of young Hassalia, where inside the screams of a man could be heard. The sisters mustered the strength of their ancestors and combined their magic to begin an intense battle to reach Hassalia and end the torture she was spreading.   Magical missiles flew in the air and blinding sparks and crackles crashed against one another. Blood spilled on either side, incantations shouted at the top of their lungs and curses ripping the skin off the sorcerers it touched. The battle was full of brutality and grim images everywhere you could possibly look. But through sheer brute force, the sisters made it inside the home to find Hassalia, mad with power and a bloodlust in her eyes which made her look more like a beast of the underworld than a sorceress.   How the sisters stopped the Sinister Sorceress is unclear. But whatever they did, it worked. As the dark clouds and chaos choking the thick air cleared, the screams faded to crowds of murmurs and the city resorted back to a somewhat normal appearance. The sisters left the capital with urgency, setting out a new purpose for the coven. No longer were they simply doing right by the people of Ascor, they left protecting them from the dark forces they imprisoned. Guarding the remains of the Sinister Sorceress in the hopes she is never released back into the world again.


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