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The False Tale of Aquella

As you walk into the local tavern, you find it difficult to find a seat. For there is crowds of people all huddled, crowding around the bar. You assume it is due to great service or perhaps a local drink. But once pushing your way to the front, you find a man in tight fitting clothes standing on the bar with a lyre in his hand. He almost gives off a glow and smiles to the crowd who seem simply entranced by him. He begins to glide his fingers across the strings of the lyre and speaks out to this raving audience.

Right then. Settle down, settle down people. No need to get so excited by my presence. Haha. So, you wish to hear a story do you. A tale of old, something to scratch those curios minds of yours, hmm? Well now, if you’re expecting a grand tale then you’ve come to the right place. Yes, I have a story for you all, don’t you worry about that. But for a crowd like this, you need something with grandeur. Something, epic and fantastical. Something, about Acurans.   Ah, I see that excites you. So how about the beautiful woman of Aquella, the goddess of oceans. Her feats have never gone unnoticed, from the first sailors to cross the seas and find new and exotic lands to the simple fisherman making their daily catch. Aquella controls it all. The movement of tides, the lapsing of waves and the power of storms to face off against the evils that live below the surface.   Now don’t be too afraid, but there once was a terrible creature that lived in the deepest darkest depths of the ocean. A hideous and vile monstrosity of nature, full of oozing pours, suckers the size of grown man and a thousand teeth to rip to shred anything it desired. And this foul beast was known back in the day for terrorizing ships. Entire crews eaten alive. Gillan living peacefully underwater, ambushed by the monster. Breaking the harmony of the ocean. So much so that it brought the attention of Aquella herself.   She took it upon herself to take matter into her own hands, this beast had done quite enough to disturb her waters and she would not allow it any longer. So what did she do, you might ask. Well she dove head first into the waters, swam to the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean to find the lair of this disgusting animal. With bones of deceased littering the floor and globules of blood tainting the waters, she swam inside to find the resting place of this suction cupped creation. Aquella saw it, swimming around waiting for her. Without a second thought it sprang into action. Swish. Whoosh. Splash. Wa-Chow! Movement so fast even I couldn’t describe it. But no matter how hard the beast tried, it simply could not hit our heroine. For she was the mistress of the ocean, quite literally in her element. She could not be harmed by such attacks. And once it had finished. It was her turn to strike.   BOOM! SMASH! CRASH AND TUMBLE! Aquella summoned her magic to crush the beast under the weight of the water. Stuffing the water into a great big sphere above its body and forcing it down, deeper into the underwater crust. With all her might and strength, she summoned water from across the globe to crush the monster into oblivion. So much ocean she had at her fingertips, it even drained the ocean where the deserts of Cytal reside to this day. She pushed, harder and harder until the evil entity was no more. Destroyed by Aquella, never to be seen again.   She had done it, she saved our world and waters from a deadly threat. A creature no match for the looks, power and almighty bravery. She would go down in history as one of the greatest Acuran to ever live! And for good reason. For she is Aquella, goddess of the seas!

The crowd erupts with cheers, applause and admiration for the storyteller. Chanting for more as he leaps down from his stage and taking a gulp of the nearest drink he can find. His appearance and personality sticks out like a sore thumb and is exactly what was described to you. This must be Kazzi Laramba, and he owes your boss a coin or two.
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