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The Lying Bard

He goes by many names, Kazzi Laramba, The Teller of Old, Moe! But in truth he is Caloorun the Lying Bard.   His history goes back to the age of Acurans, when Djinn were being hunted and imprisoned in trickets and trapped for all eternity. But Caloorun was lucky and released from his cage, escaping the clutches of the Djinn Hunters. Once free, he found himself in a world that was not his own. Far into the future and forced to try and fit into this new and chaotic way of life.   As a way to learn about the new world and explore the lands, he disguised himself as a bard who travels singing songs of older times. However his songs are unusual, based on truth but with details mixed up and completely replaced by his own imagination. Leading to many of his songs being completely false. Through the use of his charm abilities and reality warping magic, many believe his tales to be true.   He is currently hiding in the South Plains of Cytal from the Djinn Hunters. Touring the towns surrounding Sianwood in an attempt to learn about a group of heroes for hire that could protect him if ever exposed as a Djinn.


  • Deceptive
  • Flamboyant
  • Impulsive Liar
  • Cowardly


  • Babagash - Another Djinn who freed him from his cage. Caloorun is eternally grateful and considers him a friend
  • Fiy-Lo - A fire Alum who saved him when getting into trouble with a band of bandits, someone he owes a favour
  • Ayr-Lu - A rival storyteller who doesn't believe Caloorun or his stories. Avoids her and her clan of Wanderlings at all costs as he stole someone's Lyre
Really? That's what they call him. I wouldn't say he's the best bard ever but... He's alright I guess. As long as he keeps his word, he still owes me that crafty little Dji... err bard.
— Fiy-Lo
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