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Acuran Madness

Life, Death


A strange and mysterious disease slowly turned the most powerful magic users insane. Causing damage across not just Violem, but the realms they had discovered as well. The disease led to the death of most Acuran in Violem, with no cure ever being found.

Acuran Madness was a disease which infected the minds of the most powerful aura users, Acurans. Turning their knowledge and connection with the aura energy and poisoning them, leading to many of them going insane and lashing out. The unhinged nature of the disease led to many dying or having to be killed due to the damage they were causing. The disease was not just in Violem, it was Acurans all over the universe and in the different realms.   It came about after a single Acuran explorer found the realm of Wild. The first intelligent species the Elders of the Universe attempted to create. The Wild were a failure and locked away on the planet Duran in the star system Epsilon. Warded and guarded by the knights of Elder, the Wild were a beastly and mad inducing species which communicated with a hive mind. When the explorer accidentally found their way into the locked away realm, they discovered the Wild and was infected with pure madness. This spread across the Acuran species as the madness infected those with the strongest connection to aura. This is why only Acurans were affected.   The madness caught the attention of the Elders, who grew concerned over the madness spreading. They devised a plan to use their powers to kill the species of Acuran but making it look natural. The Elder of Destruction also took the chance to annihilate the Wild once and for all. Making the species extinct but taking the madness disease and containing it inside a crown. This crown was then locked away in their vault, inside their vault hidden deep in the void so only Elders could reach.   The origins of Acuran Madness as well as the tampering of the Elders is unknown to the people of Violem. Any intelligent being that gets close to the answer seemingly get stopped by the unfortunate luck of the universe.

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