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History of Ascor

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    The 1st Acuran

    The 1st native of Violem to discover their connection with aura. Being able to manipulate the energy to construct or acheive anything their mind could imagine. They wrote their findings in dairies and shared this gift with others, creating a new race of people called Acurans. Named after themselves, Acura

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    Ancient Times
    Era beginning/end

  • 675


    The Dragon Tamer
    Life, Relationship change

    In the early star cycles of Violem, dragons flew in the skies and claiming the land as their own. The people of Violem feared the dragons and began hunting them in retaliation. But one stood out from the rest, Vivell the Dragon Tamer made peace with the creatures and forged a guild to protect the creatures from others who dare harm them.

  • 1309


    Great Kingdom of Eyaton
    Construction beginning/end

    Tired of living in fear from monsters of the wilds, one individual hires the power of Acurans and builds a network of safety for villages and towns across the lands. Forming the first kingdom, Eyaton. Safe haven for all and a beacon for Acuran and Minauran.

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    Acuran Times
    Era beginning/end

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    Battle of Wraiths
    Military: Battle

    After angering the gods of the undead, an army of wraith were unleashed into the lands of Ascor. The wave of wraith were stopped however by a heroic Acuran named Phussia, Acuran of Souls, holding off the forces with an army of spirits.

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    Founding of Maraleye
    Construction beginning/end

    After sorcerers grew tired of th old traditions of Eyaton, a large of the kingdom left and headed north, to form a new kingdom that they could command.

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    War of Kingdoms
    Military: War

    Tensions erupted between the kingdoms of Eyaton and Mayraleye, reulting in a 30 year war between the 2 kingdoms. The war was eventually resolved and a new kingdom was built as a sign of peace. This kingdom was called Arison.

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    Hielda's Castle
    Discovery, Exploration

    Hielda, Acuran of Stars, believed there was more to life than just Violem and created a castle in which they could fly away and see what lies beyond the known realms. This castle took Hielda to the realms of Dragons, Fairies and Spirits.

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    Exploration Era
    Era beginning/end

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    Timeless Sorceress

    Rumours spread of a new type of elemental that could manipulate the fabric of time itself. This brought fear into the lands of Ascor and kingdoms began searching to see if the rumours were true. Eventually the Timeless sorceress was found and banished from Violem out of fear of the damage she could cause. Her name was Oline, Time Elemental.

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    Shenaria Kingdom

    After explorers traversed the northern mountains of Ascor, they discovered several settlements under threat of various creatures, monsters and beings from other realms. The settlements created an alliance to combat against the other worldly threats, with their capital located just outside the crossroads. A network of caves within the mountains with several waystones leading to multiple different realms. This alliance became known as Shenaria and was deemed the 4th kingdom of Ascor.

    The Crossroads
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    Captain Hoarwae

    Hoarwae the sorcerer was not fascinated by the other worlds and realms like his counterparts. Instead he set out to explore all that he could on Violem. So he put together a crew and set sail in search of new lands. Years later he returned with the dicovery of two new continents and several large islands.

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    Sinister Sorceress
    Disaster / Destruction

    After growing up with hatred towards the opposite sex, Hasallia also known as the Sinister Sorceress leads an army of brainwashed men to destory the kingdom of Mayraleye to enact revenge on her father.

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    Elemental Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    A large number of the Alum and Alum variant populations across Cytal and Ascor left the realm of magic in order to live on worlds where they are surrounded by the elements they have an affinity with. This led Sorcerers to be the most common species in the realm.

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    Discovery of the Human Realm
    Discovery, Exploration

    After a battle between two Acuran named Meralon & Morganna, the clash of magical powers opened a rift in space and sucked the pair into the human realm. Where they continued their battle in front of the humans which led to several stories to be written about them. It took them months before Meralon & Morganna returned back to Violem.

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    Acuran Madness
    Life, Death

    A strange and mysterious disease slowly turned the most powerful magic users insane. Causing damage across not just Violem, but the realms they had discovered as well. The disease led to the death of most Acuran in Violem, with no cure ever being found.

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    Dark Times
    Era beginning/end

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    Ban of Realm Travel
    Civil action

    After the devestation caused by the Acuran disease across the land. Rulers of kingdoms, regions and cities came together to make the travel to other realms illegal. Something punished with lifetime imprisonment if caught.   This led to many stranded in other realms unable to return back to Violem or fast travel between the major cities and kingdoms. Resorting to more traditional means of travel like sailing and waystones.

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    2nd War of Kingdoms
    Military: War

    Times were hard since the banning of portals and there was a lack of resources being shared across the lands. Many leaders believed their answers could be solved if they used the gateways in the kingdom of Shenaria, but the locals disagreed. Therefore a 14 year war began trying to infiltrate and access the gateways in Shenaria. No one was ever able to successfully bring down Shenaria or infiltrate the gateways.

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    Zombie Outbreak
    Plague / Epidemic

    A pirate ship landed on the shores of Ascor and spread a contagious fungal disease known as zombie. The disease affected all kingdoms and even wildlife. The disease never went away completely but after 5 years, the spread of it was controlled. There is rumours that small pockets of zombie still exist throughout Ascor.

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    Blood Brothers of Syron
    Religious event

    The old followers of Neroc were no more. Instead splinter factions of necromancers roamed the lands, each with their own greeds and desires. One group, the blood brothers of Syron, had resorted to brain washing a small village (Syron) in an attmept to summon a dark lord whispering in their ears. The ritual failed resulting in blood staining the land, sea and sky with the hearts of hundreds. Many are too scared to go near the village incase the blood brothers were successful.

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    Dr Lytte
    Life, Crime

    Dr Lytte was an experimental sorcerer who accidentaly stumbled upon a new form of portal magic. But during the time of portal magic being illegal kept the secret to himself. This resulted in him travelling illegally and exploring realms that used electricity as a power source instead of magic. When he returned to Ascor he was caught and locked away for his crimes.

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    New Era
    Era beginning/end