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History of the Rinti Confederation

Events pertaining to the Rinti Confederation

  • 5937

    The Founding of Rintivus

    The city of Rintivus was founded by Rintivus the Conqueror (Rintivus I) on the mouth of the Golden River.

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  • 5965


    Rinti Confederation Formed
    Diplomatic action

    Rintivus II, also known as Rintivus the Great, established the Rinti Confederation with help from his younger brother Aquilus, a powerful mage. Over a period of 12 years, the brothers brought Frostfire Province, Verdierra Province, Threkkos Province, and the Wotash Territory into their Confederation and entered into an alliance with the Prismatic Brotherhood.

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  • 6308

    Prismatic Compact formed
    Diplomatic action

    At the urging of the Prismatic Brotherhood, the major civilizations of Virtaeus agreed to an alliance to prepare for and survive the upcoming Devastation. The Prismatic Compact was signed by King Rintivus the VI (Human: Rinti Confederation), Kalif Zosaar bin Kamal bin Nefru An’Jebil (Half-elf: Jebilah), Emperor Ironhelm IX (Dwarf: Ironhelm Empire), Lord Tamaril Songblade (nephew of Nenmaril, elf: Calonmel), Wynnyk the Tall (Gnome: Krymmyl), Stoutroot of the Homestead (Halfling: Homestead), Emperor Fushiao Zi-Tian (Dragonborn: Airborn Empire). The Compact was overseen by Executor Vidalio e'Praesidio of the Prismatic Brotherhood.

  • 6309


    Construction of the Praesidio
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on the Praesidio began shortly after the signing of the Prismatic Compact. The city's inner ring was completed in five years, was sanctified by all the Prismatic Deities' high priests/priestesses, and has been a center for organized religion on the continent ever since.

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  • 6343

    Virtius III Succeeds Rintivus VI (Rintivus Pact-Maker) As Primus
    Political event

    Rintivus VI (Rintivus Pact-Maker) dies and is succeeded as Primus by his son Virtius III. Rintivus Pact-Maker ruled for 57 years and was a powerful driver, and first signer, of the Prismatic Compact.

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  • 6374

    Rintivus VII Succeeds Virtius III (Virtius the Golden) as Primus
    Political event

    Virtius the Golden (Virtius III) dies and is succeeded as Primus by his son, Rintivus VII. He ruled the Rinti Confederation for 31 years, and was killed by a giant in Frostfire while overseeing a military test of new magical weapons.

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  • 6400

    35 /4

    5 /5

    The Storming (end of the Shadowed Age)
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the end of the fourth age, a rift opened to the plane of water. The northeastern corner of Hashad was flooded, and the land beset by elemental creatures. At the same time, the forces of darkness attacked from all corners. For the first time, however, the civilized races had an organized defense in place. The allies of the Prismatic Compact fought heroically and effectively, and their efforts preserved much of the civilization they had set in place. Despite this, the victory came at a high price: many lives were lost, and northeastern Hashad remains underwater.

  • 6411

    12 /9

    Rintivus VII (Rintivus Stormbreaker) Dies
    Life, Death

    Rintivus Stormbreaker, the last of the Rintivus line, dies. He ruled the Rinti Confederation for 37 years and was a central figure in holding back the Storming.

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  • 6411

    20 /9

    Aetius Volsum becomes Primus
    Political event

    Legate Aetius Volsum, commander of the Shining Legions during the Storming, is confirmed as Primus of the Rinti Confederation.

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  • 6436

    14 /4

    Primus Aetius Volsum Dies
    Life, Death

    After a long battle with a wasting illness, Aetius Volsum dies. He had served as Primus of the Rinti Confederation for 16 years.

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  • 6436

    1 /5

    Aurelius Pugnum Becomes Primus
    Political event

    Legate Aurelius Pugnum is elected as Primus after the death of Aetius Volsum.

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  • 6455

    1 /8

    Pulchrus Ferrium Becomes Primus
    Political event

    Legate Pulchrus Ferrium is elected as Primus after Aurelius Pugnum is killed by assassins.

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  • 6487

    Viribus Rubrum Becomes Primus
    Political event

    Legate Viribus Rubrum is elected as Primus after Pulchrus Ferrium dies of heart failure.

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  • 6499

    Risus Gladium Becomes Primus
    Political event

    Risus Gladium is elected as Primus of the Rinti Confederation after Viribus Rubrum dies of food poisoning. Foul play is suspected but never proven.

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  • 6527

    Gelmiro e'Praesidio Becomes Prismatic Executor
    Religious event

    Lulit Okiwo steps down from her post as Prismatic Executor due to age, and recommends strongly to the Council of Light that they appoint her second in command, Gelmiro e'Praesidio, as her replacement. Gelmiro is confirmed with little opposition.

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  • 6536

    31 /7

    Lucianus Albium Becomes Primus
    Political event

    Legate Lucianus Albium is elected as Primus of the Rinti Confederation after a bitter political struggle with his rival (and former friend) Haldarus Salvium.

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