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History of Zar Shue


1600 1699

The dragonborn came to be sometime in this age, fathered by the dragons created at the beginning of the second age.

  • 1601

    Creation of the Younger Races
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At the beginning of the second age, the good and neutral gods created additional races of beings to populate the newly-depopulated world of Virtaeus.

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The Tribal Era

1700 3201

In this era, individual dragons shepherded their children, the dragonborn, and taught them as a father teaches his sons.

  • 2397



    Time of Silence / The Resting
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The cyclical Time of Silence comes again: for five years, magic ceases to function and no communication can occur with other planes.

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  • 3200

    10 /3

    17 /3

    The Breaking (end of the Mindful Age)
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the end of the second age, a rift opened to the elemental plane of Earth. For seven days, terrible creatures poured from the rift and violent earthquakes tore the land itself apart. This Devastation broke apart the continent of Oshira into the elvish continent of Aladore and the main continent Hashad, and also smashed the former Eastern Wilds into Hashad, forming the mountain range known as the Minders' Memorial.

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  • 3200

    1 /4

    1 /7

    The Draconic War
    Military action

    Triggered by the Breaking, the longstanding feuds between the metallic and chromatic dragons escalated into warfare. Dragonborn and their metallic and chromatic parents fought in the skies and on land, turning the air black with smoke and the ground red with blood. Eventually, the chromatic dragons and their children fled, with the metallic dragons in pursuit. The golden dragon Tifandir paused in the chase just long enough to give final directions to his clan: ally together with other dragonborn, be faithful, and keep the land safe until their return. The dragonborn have been following these commands ever since.

Rule of the Haizo Dynasty

3202 4801

The Haizo Dynasty, golden children of the dragons, rule in glory and wisdom for a full cycle of Virtaeus, only to be betrayed and overthrown in the aftermath of the Twisting.

  • 3224

    First Contact Between Dragonborn and Humans
    Discovery, Exploration

    An expedition of Dragonborn explorers crossed the Minders' Memorial range and encountered a small settlement of humans around where Yumaat would eventually be located. Trade was established and cultural exchange began.

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  • 3997



    Time of Silence / The Resting
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The cyclical Time of Silence comes again: for five years, magic ceases to function and no communication can occur with other planes.

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  • 4800

    24 /8

    31 /8

    The Twisting (end of the Age of Exploration)
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the end of the third age, a rift opened to the elemental plane of air. This rift froze the northern part of the continent, including Frostfire Province, created the Windwild, and left behind a turbulent, dangerous upper atmosphere, as well as letting through elemental creatures intent on wreaking havoc. In addition, the servants of the dark gods set in motion their long-planned attacks from within and without civilized society. A full-fledged war for the survival of the civilized races was begun. Decades later, only a remnant of civilization survived. While they had withstood the worst of the external attacks and driven back the monstrous incursions from their main cities, the darkness still loomed strong in every corner.

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  • 4800

    30 /9

    The Great Betrayal

    At the end of the Twisting, General Shi Chiang led his troops in a coup of Zar Shue. Shi, a bronze dragonborn, had cultivated a battalion of half-metallic and half-chromatic forces. With a charismatic personality and promises to elevate chromatics to their rightful place in dragonborn society, he was supported by 75% of the chromatic dragonborn. While other troops and military leaders were still finishing their engagements with the enemy, General Shi occupied Zar Baichung, killed the entire imperial family, and crowned himself Emperor Shieyo Zi-Chiang. Any dragonborn who would not swear fealty was killed or exiled from Zar Shue.

Rule of the Shieyo Dynasty

4801 5223

The Sheiyo (Bloody) Dynasty rules with an iron claw for 422 years, until ousted by a people's rebellion.

  • 5223

    18 /6

    30 /6

    The Great Liberation

    A growing spirit of rebellion in Zar Shue culminated in the Great Liberation, led by the exiled chromatic dragonborn who refused to swear loyalty to the Shieyo Dynasty. These dragonborn served as spies, saboteurs, and finally, military leaders. They partnered with the diplomatic Fushiao family, a clan of silver dragonborn who had been living in exile in the Starsong Monastery, to be the metallic face of the rebellion. Together, they drove out the last Shieyo emperor and his associates and installed Fushiao Zi-Han as the new emperor of Zar Shue. To ensure that no emperor could abuse the people again, the new government also set up a Shining Council of metallic family leaders and a Vivid Council of chromatic family leaders to be checks and balances on the emperor's power.

Rule of the Fushiao Dynasty

5224 and beyond

A rebellion against the Shieyo Dynasty installed Fushiao Zi-Han as Emperor; the Fushiao dynasty still rules Zar Shue, though now more as a figurehead than a powerful leader.

  • 5597



    Time of Silence / The Resting
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The cyclical Time of Silence comes again: for five years, magic ceases to function and no communication can occur with other planes.

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  • 5720

    Zar Shue Moves Into Floating Cities
    Construction beginning/end

    While Zar Shue always had floating fortresses, Emperor Fushiao Zi-Yao moved the cultural, diplomatic, trade, and military assets of the Airborne Empire into state of the art floating cities. Further, its citizens were encouraged and incentivized to move, to protect the empire and its civilization from the many dangers that moved on the land. Approximately half of the Airborne Empire moved to the floating cities. However, nearly all the chromatic Groundlings refused to leave their family holdings, stating that they preferred the dangers they knew to the dangers they feared they would face if they gave up their holdings to live as a minority people among the metallics, without land to their name.

  • 5805

    Vivid Council Disbanded
    Political event

    Eighty-five years after the Groundlings refused to join their metallic brethren in the floating cities of Zar Shue, the Emperor decreed that the Vivid Council would be rolled into the Shining Council, as the number of powerful chromatic families in Zar Shue had decreased to such an extent that the council was no longer viable on its own. While the Groundlings complained, they also could not argue that their families' net wealth and power was far lower than any of the families in the Shining Council, and so they were overruled.

  • 6137

    The Shining Families Act Passed
    Political event

    In this year, the Shining Council defined the minimum net worth that a clan of Zar Shue would need to accumulate in order to merit a seat on the Shining Council. Its stated purpose was to keep the Council to a reasonable size and prevent chaos and disruption due to every minor family claiming a seat on the council. In practice, it made it more and more difficult for Groundling families to claim a seat on the Council at all. By the time the Prismatic Compact was formed, there was no chromatic presence on the Shining Council at all.

  • 6268

    Fushiao Zi-Tian Succeeds Zi-Jao as Emperor of Zar Shue
    Political event

    Emperor Fushiao Zi-Jao dies in his sleep and is succeeded by his son, Fushiao Zi-Tian. Zi-Jao ruled for forty-three years and is considered a weak emperor, under whom the Shining Council increased a great deal in power.

  • 6308

    Prismatic Compact formed
    Diplomatic action

    At the urging of the Prismatic Brotherhood, the major civilizations of Virtaeus agreed to an alliance to prepare for and survive the upcoming Devastation. The Prismatic Compact was signed by King Rintivus the VI (Human: Rinti Confederation), Kalif Zosaar bin Kamal bin Nefru An’Jebil (Half-elf: Jebilah), Emperor Ironhelm IX (Dwarf: Ironhelm Empire), Lord Tamaril Songblade (nephew of Nenmaril, elf: Calonmel), Wynnyk the Tall (Gnome: Krymmyl), Stoutroot of the Homestead (Halfling: Homestead), Emperor Fushiao Zi-Tian (Dragonborn: Airborn Empire). The Compact was overseen by Executor Vidalio e'Praesidio of the Prismatic Brotherhood.

  • 6327

    Fushiao Zi-Fa Succeeds Zi-Tian as Emperor of Zar Shue
    Political event

    Emperor Fushiao Zi-Tian dies of natural causes and is succeeded by his son, Fushiao Zi-Fa. Zi-Tian ruled for fifty-nine years and is best remembered for signing the Prismatic Compact and preparing the Airborne Empire for the Storming.

  • 6400

    35 /4

    5 /5

    The Storming (end of the Shadowed Age)
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the end of the fourth age, a rift opened to the plane of water. The northeastern corner of Hashad was flooded, and the land beset by elemental creatures. At the same time, the forces of darkness attacked from all corners. For the first time, however, the civilized races had an organized defense in place. The allies of the Prismatic Compact fought heroically and effectively, and their efforts preserved much of the civilization they had set in place. Despite this, the victory came at a high price: many lives were lost, and northeastern Hashad remains underwater.

  • 6400

    17 /5

    Fushiao Zi-Fu Succeeds Zi-Fa as Emperor of Zar Shue
    Political event

    Emperor Fushiao Zi-Fa is killed in the Storming while saving the life of Rintivus, leader of the Rinti Confederation. He is succeeded by his son, Fushaio Zi-Fu. Zi-Fa reigned for seventy-three years and was hailed as a worldwide hero for his bravery and sacrifice.

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