
This article is a work in progress
On the surface, Bylga Resonants are typically loyal, compassionate, and emotional. Like the inky depths of the ocean, they keep their intentions and secrets equally hidden. Within every Bylga Resonant lies the potential for both great heroism and profound malevolence. Their powers, capable of nurturing life or unleashing devastating destruction, balance on a knife's edge, reflecting the ever-changing tides of their nature.
  The ability to manipulate liquid matter is known as Bylga, and is one of the five forms of Resonance. Liquids naturally exist across all of Errack. Even deep under the driest deserts, bodies of water exist. Water, Oil and Blood, just a few examples of the most abundant liquids on Errack, each able to be manipulated and controlled by a Bylga Resonant.   Bylga Resonance is second only to Vindr in relative difficulty to manipulate the various forms of matter. Though Muld Resonance is somewhat more difficult to utilise, its almost incompressible nature, and with enough energy input, mean that the destructive capability of Bylga Resonance can be comparable.  


Bylga Resonants are formidable forces on the battlefield, wielding their control over liquids with both precision and devastating effect. Their ability to manipulate water in all its forms - from moisture in the air to vast bodies of water - allows them to turn the tide of battle in numerous ways, each more ingenious and terrifying than the last.  
    On a grand scale, Bylga Resonants can harness the power of nature itself. In coastal battles, they manipulate tides and currents to create devastating floods and tsunamis, unleashing massive waves that sweep away enemy forces and fortifications. This ability to shape the very landscape extends to inland battles as well. By controlling the moisture content of soil, Resonants can transform solid ground into treacherous bogs, turning battlefields into quagmires that trap enemy soldiers and equipment. These tactics not only immobilise foes but also create natural barriers that can be exploited for strategic advantage.
    At close range, Bylga Resonants are no less deadly. One of their most direct and brutal applications is the ability to drown enemies. By controlling nearby water sources or even the moisture in the air, a Resonant can engulf and submerge their adversaries. Alternatively, the sheer percussive force of incompressible fluid can be enough to kill and maim. In a more localised approach, they can manipulate the water within the bodies of their foes, causing them to choke and drown from within. Imagine a battlefield where the very air turns against the enemy, filling their lungs with water and leaving them gasping for breath.
      Bylga Resonants can also undermine enemy defences with more subtle tactics. They can weaken fortifications by saturating them with water, infiltrating structural foundations and causing materials to erode and crumble. A seemingly impregnable stone wall might slowly disintegrate as water seeps into its cracks, eventually collapsing under its own weight.   Perhaps the most feared technique in a Bylga Resonant's arsenal is mummification - the ability to draw out all water from a target's body. This method, rarely used due to its horrific nature, involves extracting moisture at a rapid rate, leaving the victim's body desiccated and lifeless. The mere possibility of this ability strikes terror into the hearts of enemies.
  Bylga Resonants, with their mastery over liquids, are not just warriors but also tacticians, capable of altering the very landscape of battle to their advantage. Their abilities demand respect and caution, as they can strike with both subtlety and overwhelming force, making them invaluable assets in the art of war. This version maintains the vivid descriptions while improving the overall flow and coherence of the section.
All artwork that isn't an original creation by myself (@Bladeswillfall) will be replaced with either original pieces or commissioned art.


Bylga Resonants are not only warriors but also invaluable assets in various non-combat roles, leveraging their control over liquids to provide significant benefits in medical, exploratory, and everyday contexts.

    Medical Diagnostics

    One of the most profound applications of Bylga Resonance lies in the field of medical diagnostics. Historically, Bylga Resonants have played a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge and practices. Their ability to map human veins and arteries has revolutionised the detection and treatment of internal ailments. By manipulating the liquids within the body, they can identify clots, internal bleeds, and other circulatory issues with unparalleled precision. This capability has been instrumental in keeping warriors and civilians healthy, ensuring that they remain combat-ready and resilient.  

    Exploration and Resource Management

    Bylga Resonants are also indispensable in the exploration and management of natural resources. Their ability to locate underground water sources is particularly valuable in arid regions where water is scarce. By sensing and manipulating the moisture content in the soil, they can guide communities to hidden aquifers, ensuring a steady supply of clean water. This skill is vital for the survival and prosperity of settlements in harsh environments.   In addition to locating water, Bylga Resonants can purify contaminated water sources, making them safe for consumption. This ability to cleanse and control water quality is crucial in preventing the spread of waterborne diseases and maintaining public health.
  The utility of Bylga Resonance extends far beyond the battlefield, offering transformative benefits in medicine, exploration, agriculture, industry, and environmental protection. Bylga Resonants, with their mastery over liquids, are not only defenders and tacticians but also healers, explorers, and innovators. Their contributions to society underscore the profound impact of Resonance in shaping a better, more sustainable world.  

Cultural and Social Impact

Bylga Resonants hold a unique and complex position within their communities, often seen as both protectors and potential threats. Their compassionate nature and ability to control life-sustaining liquids make them revered figures, but their potential for destruction also instils a sense of caution and respect among those who understand the full extent of their powers.   The dual nature of Bylga Resonants, capable of both giving life and taking it, creates a complex social dynamic. While they are often respected and revered for their positive contributions, there is always an underlying fear of their potential for harm. This duality is reflected in the way they are treated by their communities. Some may view them with awe and gratitude, while others may harbour suspicion and wariness, always mindful of the delicate balance between their benevolent and destructive tendencies.   The power to manipulate liquids places Bylga Resonants in positions of significant ethical responsibility. They must constantly navigate the moral implications of their actions, weighing the benefits of their abilities against the potential for harm. This responsibility can be a heavy burden, leading some Resonants to adopt strict codes of conduct to ensure they use their powers wisely and justly. Others, however, may be tempted to exploit their abilities for personal gain or vengeance, becoming forces of chaos and destruction.

Cover image: VISCERIUM by Me (Fall)


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