
This article is a work in progress
Often stocky in stature and stalwart in their beliefs, Muld Resonants tend to be patient and practical. While their demeanour may border on stubbornness and seriousness, beneath lies an unwavering determination to endure, making them stalwart teachers and steadfast companions
  Muld, one of the five forms of Resonance, stands as a formidable force, granting its wielders the ability to sculpt and manipulate solid matter. Unlike its more common counterparts, Vindr and Bylga Resonance, Muld Resonants tread a path grounded in the earth's depths, their power bound by the weight of gravity itself.  


Muld Resonants emerge as formidable forces on the battlefield, their mastery over solid matter granting them unparalleled tactical advantages. Their abilities to manipulate the physical environment and materials make them both feared combatants and invaluable strategic assets.  

    Battlefield Manipulation

    Muld Resonants excel at reshaping the terrain to their advantage. They can rapidly erect impenetrable walls, trenches, and bunkers, providing instant cover for allied forces. By raising jagged spikes from the ground or creating deep chasms, they can impede enemy movement and funnel opponents into kill zones. In seconds, they can form solid bridges across rivers or ravines, facilitating troop movements and supply lines.  

    Offensive and Defensive Capabilities

    The offensive potential of Muld Resonants is both diverse and devastating. They can launch deadly volleys of stone or metal shards with pinpoint accuracy, or redirect incoming projectiles back at the enemy. By focusing their power, they can weaken or shatter enemy armour, leaving opponents vulnerable to follow-up attacks. In close combat, they can encase enemies in cocoons of earth or stone, immobilising them instantly. Additionally, by manipulating the ground beneath their foes, they can create localised earthquakes or sinkholes, sowing chaos in enemy ranks.   Defensively, Muld Resonants are equally adept. They can constantly reshape their own armour in combat, reinforcing areas under attack while maintaining mobility. Large protective barriers can be summoned to shield entire squads from incoming fire or area-of-effect attacks. By sensing the composition of incoming projectiles, they can halt or deflect them mid-flight, providing a dynamic defence against ranged attacks.  

    Siege Warfare and Specialised Roles

    In siege scenarios, Muld Resonants prove invaluable. They can locate and exploit structural weaknesses in enemy fortifications, creating entry points for allied forces. Their ability to manipulate earth allows for the creation of surprise tunnels for infiltration or sabotage missions. By collapsing mine shafts or rendering farmland infertile, they can starve out entrenched enemies, effectively turning the tide of prolonged engagements.   Muld Resonants often fill unique combat roles. As sappers, they excel at undermining enemy fortifications and creating hidden explosive traps. By launching massive boulders or shaped projectiles, they can function as living siege engines, providing artillery support. Their ability to rapidly construct or destroy structures makes them invaluable for controlling strategic points, acting as battlefield engineers.
  In the chaos of war, Muld Resonants stand as living embodiments of the earth's might. Their presence can dramatically alter the course of battles, making them both respected allies and dreaded foes. Military strategists must carefully consider the deployment of these powerful individuals, as their actions can reshape not just the battlefield, but the very outcome of conflicts. This version combines related sections into more cohesive paragraphs, improving the flow and readability for the reader.of conflicts. This version maintains the key points and details while staying within the word limit.
All artwork that isn't an original creation by myself (@Bladeswillfall) will be replaced with either original pieces or commissioned art.


Historically, Muld Resonance has been a cornerstone of industry, significantly enhancing efficiencies in quarrying, mining, and metalwork. Muld Resonants can cleanly remove chunks of material from desired areas, increasing worker safety and the efficiency of transporting waste. Their abilities have revolutionised these industries, making processes faster and safer.   In the world of masonry, sculpting, and architecture, Muld Resonants have pushed materials to their structural limits, creating works of art and engineering marvels. Their precise control over solid matter allows them to craft intricate designs and robust structures that stand the test of time.   Some ingenious Muld Resonants have found fortune in prospecting for rare minerals and metals. By detecting traces of precious resources in bodies of water and tracing their origins, they can remove soil and rock, leaving only the valuable materials behind. This ability has made them invaluable in the search for gold and other precious resources.  

    Puzzle locks

    In the shadows of forgotten corridors and hidden chambers, Muld Resonants have been known to create massive doors, bereft of key or handle, seamlessly embedded into walls and floors alike. By manipulating the hidden mechanisms within these doors, they can unlock otherwise impenetrable locks.
    This skill has made them both revered as keepers of secrets and guardians of hidden treasures.


    Thanks to their ability to manipulate solid matter, many Muld Resonants specialise in the art of repairing the human form. Akin to the title 'surgeon' or 'healer', a Fleshweaver is able to repair bones, close wounds without scars or alter the physique of themselves, or another, to a more desired design. Whilst an excurtiatingly painful process without ample analgesics, a Fleshweaver's artistry does not have the drawbacks of traditional surgery.

Cultural and Social Impact

Muld Resonants hold a unique and complex position within their communities. Their practical and patient nature makes them reliable and steadfast companions, often seen as pillars of strength and stability. However, their immense power over solid matter also instils a sense of caution and respect among those who understand the full extent of their abilities.

Cover image: VISCERIUM by Me (Fall)


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Jan 14, 2023 20:08

As any military historian will tell you, dig trenches. When you're done with one trench, dig another one. This seems imminently useful for that, and everything else too. My favorite bit, though, is the gold prospecting use! Inventive :D   Am I reading it right when I see they can only manipulate matter, not create any from scratch? If so, do they make their apprentices/minions lug around their favorite stuff into adventure/battle/work? :O   Great stuff! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jan 14, 2023 20:36 by Fall

You're damn right, it does sound useful for that! :D I mustn't take credit for that idea, it came from one of the wonderful folks over in the WA discord - @Finalor, I asked for some ideas after presenting the ruleset to the community and this was one of them.   You are indeed, there is no creation of matter in VISCERIUM, only altering and manipulating that which is already present. If you're in the middle of the sea and there's nothing around? No Firmus powers for you! haha.
I'd imagine some do, for sure. Others likely just make use of what is around at the time as and when needed.   Thank you for reading and commenting!

Jan 14, 2023 20:31 by Gabrielle Decker

Love this! Great job! I love the practical applications, it really seamlessly blends the concept of this form of magic into everyday life.

Jan 14, 2023 20:38 by Fall

Thank you! That was absolutely the intention, I have a personal goal this year to blend each new article (as well as go back to some of my older ones) and link them into the world better so that everything feels conected in some way and not a standalone piece that exists in a vaccum.

Jan 14, 2023 20:42 by Gabrielle Decker

This is a wonderful goal. I strive to do the same, but I find it difficult to walk that line between explaining something in a way readers can connect it to the larger picture and revealing too much of my plot lol.