The facility at the base of the Intico plasma-beam cannon.
The Intico Cypher Engines, publicly known as the Intico Fire Control & Access keys, are an essential component of the Intico's central super computer.
The RD-76 Dart is an Imperium Coalition multi-role craft capable of transatmospheric flight.
A Myrkild is a form of microorganism that is the basis of all beings within the Myrkildicary.
One of the largest rivers within the Okse Dominion. Connecting Valenheim to Vagrvik.
The Potmaw is named for it's hidden trap design that resembles a pot with pointed teeth made of thorns.
The powers bestowed upon an individual when they bind with a Naranor or Myrkild.
The Seven are the pinnacle creation of each species of Myrkild.