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Session 2 Report

General Summary

Thorduz and Aleph are keeping the last watch as they hear sounds surrounding the camp. A few intense moments later they discover they are being surrounded by a troop of goblins. Their leader, Gigz, steps forward and proposes they surrender their weapons and rope so they may keep their lives. Nagini does not seem to agree with this and uses his imposing stature and stares them down while Thorduz also lights his huge sword on fire. This rightfully so intimidates the Goblin troop although not their leader Gigz. But he still is very impressed and he recognizes the strength (and possible trouble) these people can show so he makes another offer: if the PCs can help them get their lost troop member back they can have the location of a dungeon including all possible loot.   The PCs agreed and head back up to the Griffon's nest at the old tower. At the old tower they find a caved in floor that has created a hole leading into a room below the tower. As the group checks the room they find the missing goblin and send him back up. As the goblin troop leaves they continue their exploration.   While exploring this first area they uncover an ancient room with paintings on the walls of some kind of worshipping. These paintings still seem old but much younger then the room itself. Exploring the room further they discover 2 chests fairly easily but Thorduz's sharp perception and adaptness to the dark discovers a hidden satchel in one of the walls. When Aleph examens the chest with the prettiest decoration he quickly discovers this was all to lure him in when the chest bites him and reveals it's not a chest at all. It's some kind of monster!   With the help of the party they fairly quickly defeat it but take some damage in the process. The other chest seems to be normal and together with the hidden satchel they find some interesting treasure.   As the room has been explored Nagini want to continue but finds the stairs, going both up AND down, to be destroyed. His frustration however is short lived as the floor below him gives way and he crashes in a hallway down below. The collapse is severe enough to cover any way back up although he can still talk to his comrades. As he carefully looks further down the hallway his companions search the room above for other ways down and they find strange markings on one of the walls. Thorduz remembers from his druid past that sometimes ruines like this contain secret passageways and this seems to be a puzzle lock of some kind.   In the meantime Nagini has walked down the hallway and enters a big empty room with a stone statue in the middle. Closer inspection reveals a circle drawn around it and he quickly discovers this statue is a guardian protecting the doorway on the other side. Whenever he enters the circle the guardian seems to raise it's weapon and he quickly suspects that coming closer will trigger an attack.   Meanwhile the party on the top floor has found several gold lined stones which fit into the puzzle lock. A bit more searching complemented with some luck and teamwork delivers several other parts to the puzzle. Putting in the final stone in the correct order makes the wall hum and the stones move as the wall slides away. Behind it is a ladder going down which is followed by another secret door opening into the hallway below. As the party is reunited they enter the room with the guardian together. As they test going around it without triggering attacks Milos uses his acrobatic skills to wall jump past it but seems to make a misstep on the old moss covered walls. As he lands in the circle the Guardian activates again and the rest of the party jumps in. Together they are able to destroy the stone entity and they finally enter the room behind it.   A pretty much empty room reveals more cultist paintings on the walls now more clearly. It looks like several figures bowing down to a enormous black circle with teeth. The rest of the rooms seems pretty empty except for 2 (almost) empty wall cabinets and some simple chests with robes in them. As the party dissapointingly traces the room they discover a draft coming from one of the wall cabinet. When they move it to the side they discover a chisseled out stair going into a deep cavern. Following it down they come to a crossing and before they can decide what to do someone jumps out of the shadow and grabs Nagini. The towering Nagini not being impressed flexes his muscle to prepare to throw this assailant off of him but he gets stopped by Milos. The cloaked figure grabbing Nagini seems familiar and as he tells his companion to hold of any attacks the cloaked figure responds. "Milos?" The figure lets go and lifts his cloak to reveal himself to be Milos' lost brother in arms, Liantaor. They immediately go in for a heartfelt bearhug as they feel a huge burden lifted, both of them survived the attack a few days earlier.   As Liantaor and Milos are reunited they start catching up on what happened that dreadful night and the session comes to an end.

Rewards Granted

  • bronze bull pendant
  • gold amulet with ruby's
  • cultist robes
Terrors of the Boroughian Wetlands
Aleph Aleiri
Thorduz Tortsj
Nagini Serpentus
Milos Wildbane
Garthson of Clan Durrow
Report Date
21 Mar 2023
Primary Location
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