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The Druids of Stagcoast

The Druids of Stagcoast are a mysterious and much misunderstood people but they have a clear mission: to protect the lands and nature of Stagcoast. Eventhough the Boroughian Wetlands may be a newly founded state and most people living here have been here only for a few generations, the druids have been here for as long as anyone can remember.   They are led by their highly respected and powerful leader, Archdruid Thymea.  

Love of Nature


What does this faction love most about nature?

  • It is a source of awe and wonder
  • It rewards dedication and care

How do the Druids live in a way that members of other factions could not?

  As druids they live in harmony with nature and protect it at all cost.  

What secret do they keep that eludes other factions?

  The knowledge of all flora and fauna of the region.  


  A faction that has struck an accord with the Druids of Stagcoast: The Millder Family  

What does that agreement demand and what does it promise?

  The Druids have agreed to assist in managing the monster problems in the Wetlands in exchange for the other clans to respect their wishes to preserve nature as much as possible.  

How has one of the parties involved come to resent this agreement?

  The Freefolk of Ghostmouth fear the Druids and don't care about nature at all. Individual members therefore come into conflict with them every once in a while.   A faction that borders the Druids of Stagcoast: The Freefolk of Ghostmouth  

How do they benefit from this closeness?

  The Freefolk are scarred of the druids and their magic but are also the only ones desperate enough to live next to them. This makes controlling the borders very easy for the Druids.  

What conflict do they take pains to avoid?

  The Freefolk avoid interactions with the Druids as much as possible as this usually ends badly for them. However the druids seemed to not actively hunt them and keep mostly to themselves and their territory.
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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