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The Knight of the Hunt

Artorias, also known as The Knight of the Hunt, was the mortal champion of the god Prodotis and is the current guardian of the Garden of Penance. Artorias was a mortal swordsmen of incredible skill so much that his talent rivaled Prodotis himself and it was in a contest of blades the two would meet. Before The Scourge in the Age of Exploration, Prodotis taking his mortal form would come across Artorias and be challenged to a duel. Despite his godly power Artorias would stand victorious proving to be more skilled in pure martial excellence and besting the god without his divine powers, however this did not cause any tension and instead the two became fast friends. Travelling together the pair became like brothers and eventually Prodotis revealed his divine nature and elevated Artorias into divine health granting him immortality so that he may serve by his side. When The Scourge broke out Artorias was made the champion of Prodotis and throughout the war Artorias proved to be a great asset leading bands of rangers through the forests in small but elite task forces focused on squashing enemy leadership. As time went on however a rift began to form between Prodotis and Artorias starting as small arguments over battle tactics but eventually worsening into violence. The two's relationship fully shattered when Prodotis fell and despite being his champion Artorias did not fall with him instead continuing to fight against his former mentor. After The Scourge has ended, Artorias as a way to atone for his masters sins became the guardian of Garden of Penance to make sure no mortal could make their way into the Ten Hells.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Artorias is a humanoid male who has grown very large with the gifts he was given by various gods. He stands at 9ft tall and is a mass of muscle. His face is a scarred and old with the years finally affecting his seemingly immortal body. His arms are not proportional to each other with one being larger than the other with the same distinct scars. Across his entire body fungus grows between the plates on his armor and on his face, hands, and body.

Special abilities

Artorias is one with the darkness and can harness its power to teleport, turn invisible and cloud people sight and mind with it. He is also apart of the garden itself and can call upon its other inhabitants and control the plants within it and mold himself into it. Finally he posesses magicla capabilities, able to mold weapons out of shadows and use them against his opponents.

Apparel & Accessories

Artorias wears a suit of black plate armor that has long been detiorated by the garden's fungus which almost completely covers it. Over this armor he wears a large tattered tan cloak that covers most of his body.

Specialized Equipment

Artorias uses two primary weapons. One is his sword which is disguised as a walking cane of massive size. This sword is unwieldable by normal men and posesses magical properties that rot the skin with contact and an unnatural sharpness. Its appearance is a straight hilt resembling a walking cane and a straight gerthy blade decorated with fungus. In his offhand he also carries a sickle with the same overgrown fungus that can be used to harvest a persons soul and send them to the eternal hunting ground that is The Tenth Layer of hell to be forever be hunted by the children of Prodotis should he deem them unworthy and in need of punishment.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Artorias was once a noble knight fighting to uphold tenets of honor and justice, but since The Scourge and his masters betrayal he has grown jaded and pessimistic seeing the world through the eyes of a wounded veteran.