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Vitanova The Sanctuary of the Gods


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Long before the era of political games and secret dealings with the fiends that lurk below Vitanova was an untamed and undiscovered planet lying in the Astral Plane cut off from the world of Faerun and its entities. This was until the threat of fiends forced the deities to recognize the fact that a sanctuary could be necessary to harbor their mortal disciples should armageddon descend upon them. So they took to the stars and discovered Vitanova and took to placing their various children and molding the world to their liking, however not all gods that took part in this were good. After creating and cultivating this world the gods left leaving two main protectors to monitor its inhabitants, the deities known as Kalos and Prodotis two brothers who represented Light and Dark respectively. Over time the world grew to have its own history and catastrophies, but none as intense as what they would soon find themselves going through.   Over 3 millenia later Vitanova had been forgotten and its existence forgotten even to the deities who cultivated it, but its purpose would soon be sorely needed.   Asmodeus, King of the Nine Hells was a mastermind looking to complete his plan which had been coming together since the very beginning. This plan involved finding the legendary Crimson Gem which gave him the power to control both Demons and Devils allowing him to posess the power necessary to subjagate the mortal plain. As fate would have it he would acquire this gem through the clever manipulation of a group of adventurers leading to them handing the gem over which would kick off the event known as The Scourge.
The Scourge was an armageddon like event that struck Faerun over 4 Millenia ago. It is a time when the gods themselves fought battles once again alongside their mortal worshippers. Asmodeus had gathered the forces of darkness forming his own pantheon alongside his unnumerable fiendish army and the current head pantheon of The Order Tide struggled to hold the line. Due to this the mortal plain was tore through, empires were falling, cities reduces to bricks and people slaughtered by the millions with the survivors being condemned to an eternity of servitude. Thus in a desperate attempt to save both their own and their followers existence they sent messages into the stars calling for help.
The remaining mortal population stood on the brink of extinction with most survivors hold up in an underground city built by the celestials in case of catastrophies like this. However it stood under siege and the inhabitants within remained in constant fear of the walls breaking down leaving them to be slaughtered without any chance of escape. However, heroes always rise up in catastrophic situations and when a small group of adventurers showed up in the city at the head of a massive group of refugees a spark of hope was lit. Most important among these legendary figures was a priest who's god lied on the otherside of the Astral Plane, Kalos. This god led him to the inner sanctuary of the city where a portal was successfully opened through the use of a mighty spear chucked from across the universe and so the evacuation of Faerun began. Its at this time that the gods themselves made their retreat as well pulling back to Vitanova being summoned by the two gods they left to guard it.