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The Emerald Dragons

The Emerald Dragons is the worlds foremost adventuring guild welcoming those brave enough to join from all walks of life to embark on quests in the name of gold, glory and adventure. Located in Oogst Hall in their inn known as the Emerald Hall the Emerald Dragons acts as a middle man for adventurers acquiring contracts and assigning them to proper adventurers according to their rank. The guild takes a cut of the reward and in exchange offers prospective members services such as room, board, places to sell their gear and of course contracts. Each member is assigned a rank upon joining and as they make a name for themselves and kill more powerful monsters they rank up and are allowed to take on more dangerous and lucrative contracts. The Emerald Dragons is an independant band dedicated to protecting the lands from monsters and marauders and will under no circumstance accept contracts from governmental bodies.


When one joins the Emerald Dragons you gain the lowest rank and are permitted to take on contracts as well as gaining a pin of the lowest rank, Bronze. From here a new member is permitted to take on contracts according to their assigned rank and may rank up depending on the strength of the sum of monsters they have slain or depending on how many successful contracts they have completed. As a member ranks up they also gain more benefits from the guild itself including shops to sell their loot, buy new items, and places to rest on the road. The badge you are given upon joining is enchanted, and as you complete contracts it keeps track of your deeds and will automically change materials should you complete the qualifications for a rank up. The ranks are as follows
  1. Bronze - Members of the bronze rank are fresh members of the guild and expected to be able to handle contracts that require them to slay monsters like roaming bands of goblins, angry wildlife and dens of kobolds. Members of this rank are allowed to stay at Emerald Dragon sanctioned inns, but are not permitted any other benefits as they have not proven themselves trustworthy.
  2. Silver - Members of the silver rank have proven themselves trustworthy and able to take on more dangerous contracts often times tackling large bands of goblins, orcs or organized banditry. At this level they may also take on more power solitairy creatures such as griffins or owlbears. Members of the silver rank gain access to the guilds services such as shops to sell or buy items and as long as they are on contract may stay at any Emerald Dragon inn for free.
  3. Gold - Members of the gold rank have proven themselves deft adventurers able to comfortably slay large beasts in their lairs and take down large and organized forces. At this level they are permitted to take on contracts to slay powerful monsters such as low level giants, necromancers or clear out dungeons. Gold rank members may stay at any Emerald Dragon inn for free.
  4. Platinum - Members of the platinum rank are heroes of the realm able to slay giants in their lairs and younger dragons in the wild comfortably. Only a few can hope to attain this rank, but would allow one to take on contracts to fight adult dragons in their lairs, rogue giants and their retinue as well as powerful rogue sorcerers. Platinum rank members may have free room and board wherever you can find Emerald Dragon Presence and permitted access to powerful magic items for purchase.
  5. Emerald - The few who have made it to Emerald rank are considered legend able to fell dragons, giants, and vampires alike. The number of Emerald rank adventurers numbers in the low dozens across the organizations history, but if you reach it you are expected to take on contracts to take on threats that could cause untold devastation, but these come with equally large rewards.
Guild, Adventuring