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The Sunstone Corsairs

The Sunstone Corsairs are a large organization based out of Crocodile Reef which provided merchants, shipwrights, pirates and other individuals a safe haven for the underbelly of society. The Corsairs are primarily an organization dedicated to promoting piracy aand giving pirates a place to lay low, but at a cost. It is rumored that House Kriegschiff supports the ragtag band of pirates, but this rumor has not been confirmed. Currently the Corsairs are run by a "man" named Leonardo Tatesro. The leader of the Sunstone Corsairs has his own title, but is formally known by the titles he stole from his predecessor as well. The current leader is primarily known as the Gale King, but he has many other titles such as the Sultan of Shipwrecks, The Salt King, or the First Among Equals.


The Sunstone Corsairs are a small group that rule over the port fortress of Crocodile Reef. The group is run completely by the Gale King Leonardo Tatesro who makes all the decisions. This position of leader is won by might and whoever should overthrow the previous leader steals all of their titles. Depending on the leader they may have advisors, but hold absolute authoirty and all who wish to partake in business in Sunstone owned territories or commit acts of piracy must pay tribute to and heed the command of the leader. Failure to do so can result in any punishment the leader sees fit


While the only official territory the corsairs hold is Crocodile Reef, they hold a huge amount of influence within the various seas and are feared among all sailors.


The Sunstone Corsairs holds no official military, but many pirate crews, thugs and hired muscle makes up the ranks and provides for the defense of Crocodile Reef.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Sunstone Corsair
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
"Heed the Sunstone's call, for if you disobey our laws your very soul may be forfeit to me"
  • Gale King Leonardo