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The Ten Hells

The Ten Hells, also referred to as Baator in infernal, is the home of the race of Devils and embodies the spirit of Lawful Evil. This plane is a site of unending cruelty and twisted bureaucracy, organized into a strict caste system in which its denizens must follow the very rigid chain of command. Each of the ten layers has its own physcial properties or laws of matter, but all fall under the domain of Prodotis and are nearly impossbile to traverse by a mortal.


Each of the layers of the ten hells has its own unique properties and geogrpahym each of which are molded and influenced by its Archduke/Duchess. Each of these layers is loosely connected, but are vast in their size. To traverse from one layer to another one must find the respective gateway that will lead to the next, however these are often heavily guarded. The layers are as follows
  • The first layer is Avernus and by all accounts Avernus was a desolate wasteland with rocky terrain, sparse, twisted vegetation, concealed snake pits, caves and warrens, volcanoes, and rivers of magma. The sky was starless, full of choking smoke, and glowed a dark red due to balls of flammable gas that floated about or streaked across the atmosphere. This was also the main site for the anicent Blood War that took place many centuries ago. The blood spilled in the war was said to be so great that it forever tainted the ground and filled the River Styx turning it red.
  • The second circle of Hell, when described as its own layer, was a flat barren plane containing little more than black, stagnant rivers, stretching for thousands of miles until it reached some rolling hills. The sky was a cloudy dull green shot through with lightning. In the center of this plane rose the Iron City of Dis, several miles in height and hundreds of miles wide.
  • Minauros is the third layer of hell and was described as an endless bog of vile pollution, decaying bodies, and rotting marsh, repeatedly drenched by rain, sleet, and hail storms. The soggy, bone-strewn, disease-ridden swampland made movement very difficult and was only broken occasionally by serpentine ridges of volcanic rock. Nameless creatures even the devils feared inhabited the swamp.
"Amongst the planes of existence, nothing comes close to the cruelty displayed in Baator, from Avernus all the way to Shikari there is not an ounce of joy, only the agnozing cries of its denizens, toiling away day by day holding on to the small bit of hope that their masters may show them favor and ease their suffering" - Xavier
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