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The Witch of Greed

The Witch of Greed Athene

The Witch of Greed was born on the Isle of Scales as a Yuan-Ti princess. She was born more human than snake and as such was treated the most harshly of her siblings and neglected. She was also cut out of most family duties, however this gave her time to pursue what she was passionate about which was knowledge. She studied for days at a time in the family's expansive library taking in all the knowledge and learning all sorts of magic. However as she grew more obsessed with attaining knowledge her family grew more detested with her presence and eventually simply banished her. This was a blessing in disguise as now she was free to attain more knowledge and from here became a traveler roaming the world as a sage trading knowledge and gathering more from various tombs and crypts. Eventually one of these tombs would belong to Prodotis and after rummaging she found that Prodotis was a figure that could give her the opportunity to attain infinite knowledge and using the tools found in the tomb summoned and formed a contract with Prodotis becoming his third wife in exchange for access to the world's knowledge. Now she spends her days granting knowledge to mortals and experimenting in hopes of eventually knowing everything.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athene is a shorter Yuan-Ti that looks a bit more human than snake. She has Fair White skin with patches of green scales on her body. She has long black hair tied up in a bun and red snake-like eyes.

Special abilities

Greed possesses the power of the world's knowledge and as such she knows most spells in existence and has the ability to create new ones. Along with this she can also use world knowledge to predict the future. Of all the witches she is the one who most often forms contracts with mortals granting them fortunes or magical knowledge.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Athene is the most knowledgable non-divine entity in the world, with vast swathes of books, spells, and resources at her disposable youd be hard pressed to bring up a topic she isnt well versed in. This doesnt mean her knowledge is without limits however as there is always more to discover about the universe. She has an endless curiosity that will never be fully satisfied.

Morality & Philosophy

Athene is a kind person, but her thirst for knowledge often ends up hurting others and sometimes herself. She never means to harm anyone and actually tries to better the world with her knowledge, but due to her nature as a witch of sin will do more harm than good, which is a curse she must deal with.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Ancient Library of Quintex
Red and Snake Like
Silky black tied up in two buns.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair and white with patches of green scales
Known Languages