Aerako Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Aerako (air-akh-oh)

Aerako appears to his followers as a gust of wind, a gentle cooling mist, a surprise summer storm. Sometimes he manifests as music. Aerako is ever-curious; he enjoys the tales of travellers and watches over those who voyage over the sea.   Aerako enjoys confusion, and it pleases him that there are conflicting legends of his origin. One tale maintains that he was formed from the stuff of chaos by the goddess Vesi, who sent him to frustrate her sister Taeva’s efforts to bring light and order to the world. Taevarans insist that Aerako rose from the dreaming with his brother and sister gods. One cult of seafaring elves swears that Aerako was born from Okeano’s desire for a lively companion to awaken the true power of his ocean. This is one of Aerako’s favorite stories, and perhaps as a tribute to the author, he sometimes manifests as an elf with hair bleached nearly white by the sun, fresh with the scent of sea and sand.   Aerako, despite his distaste for mortal form, shares a deep, protective love for mortals with the rest of the creators. He is friendly to all of the gods, but not above playing practical jokes on them, which goes over very poorly with Taeva, Scatho, and other gods who hate to appear foolish. Whispers abound of a secret love in Aerako’s life, and it is rumoured that for this love, the god would do almost anything in his power.   Vodarians, particularly sailors and pirates and all who sail the seas pray to Aerako for fair winds. Some beseech him to bless their clever schemes, even the unsavoury ones. The god does not enjoy cruelty, but he’s quite fond of a practical joke or a well-executed confidence game. Aerako also favors storytellers, musicians and comedians – whether it is prose, music, poetry, or jokes, the god loves a lively story.

Divine Domains

Wind, Mischief

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A gust of wind

Tenets of Faith

  • Travel to far-off lands and return with well-told tales.
  • Help fellow travellers in need, foster exploration whenever possible.
  • Enhance joy in the world with clever plots and performances of all kinds.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization

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