Aubori Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Aubori (oh-borr-ee)

Wild nature, green and growing; baby birds born in the spring; animals’ furry coats turning from warm autumn colors to snowy winter white: worshipers of Aubori see these signs of their goddess walking the land and know that Vodari is blessed. Aubori often appears as a regal elven woman in flowing robes, curling hair slightly unkempt, as if it were flowering vines growing around her head and shoulders. She teaches the birds her beautiful songs, seeds the world with flowers and trees, and brings beauty to all she touches.   Aubori is gentle and beautiful, but she is the force of nature. She opposes construction, deforestation, mortals’ fires, and foundries, but she understands the power of natural selection. She blesses the predators as well as the prey, for without natural predators, a population can run out of control and destroy the lands she loves. Although she is allied with Taeva, Aubori prefers Vesi’s tempest to Taeva’s order.   Her sisterly love for Vesi is not the only conflict in Aubori’s heart. The courtship of Aubori and Volkan is one of the favorite love stories told on any island in Vodari, though the details differ depending on where it is told and who does the telling. As far as any mortal knows, romance is still alive between the two wild gods.   During the War of the Twins, Aubori and her sister Sindri disliked the conflict and refused to fight on either side. They left Vodari and traveled the multiverse. It is believed that this tour gave the gods inspiration to create many of the people of Vodari.   Aubori is worshipped by druids, forest gnomes, and elves. Musicians and artists call upon her for inspiration. Sometimes she will appear to them in the form of a forest animal, touched by silvery moonlight.

Divine Domains

Nature, Beauty

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A three-petaled flower

Tenets of Faith

  • Strive to bring beauty into the world every day of your life.
  • Stand up to all who seek to harm, destroy or corrupt the natural world or to do the same to anything beautiful.
  • Preserve the natural world.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization

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