Fortana Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Fortana (four-tahn-ah)

Pirates, gamblers, merchants, sailors, and traders revere Fortana. While luck is a powerful, unpredictable force, many pray that Fortana weighs the odds in their favour. Many Vodarians believe that the primary tradewinds of the sea are the servants of Fortana and refer to them as the “winds of change.” Fortana is a trickster and a gambler. Her preferred form is a redheaded halfling, usually female but not always. She cannot resist holding a coin in her hand and flipping it. Fortana often lets a coin flip decide whether she intervenes in events on behalf of her worshipers.    Fortana enjoys manifesting in the form of a seal playing in the waves with her fellows and sunning herself on rocks. According to a pirate legend, a pack of intelligent otters serve as her messengers and spies.    “Fortana favors the free” is a common phrase in Vodari, especially when ships set sail or when her followers feel or desire boldness in their endeavors. Fortana values the ability to cause and adapt to change, and she views hierarchical governments and institutions as a blight upon the world.    Fortana refers to many of the other gods as “brother” or “sister” as a term of affection, but she did not rise out of the sea with the other dreaming gods. The Goddess’s origins remain mysterious and she keeps her own counsel about her earliest memories. She is fondest of Toamna for many reasons, including the divine nectar of Toamna’s home-brewed ale.    Fortana sees herself as the fly in the ointment of most other gods’ plans, keeping the balance in Vodari by kicking over the proverbial chessboard as it pleases her. Her fellow Preservers are rarely her targets, and they value her actions, though they question her methods.

Divine Domains

Freedom, Good Fortune

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A coin with two spirals

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace change as opportunity and live by their own rules.
  • Undermine repressive governments and organizations.
  • Take chances, the riskier the better.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization

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