Istoro Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Istoro (ist-ore-oh)

Istoro is the patron of wizards, scholars, lawyers, teachers, historians, and all who pursue and revere knowledge. He appears as a wizened human with long white moustaches and olive skin, wearing plain robes embroidered at the hems with patterns of mystical symbols that seem to shift and change. Istoro’s sacred duty is to preserve knowledge. He provides that knowledge to the people and the Gods of Vodari in the libraries that exist throughout the land.    Istoro has few followers, but those who dedicate themselves to the worship of this god are wise, loyal, and knowledgeable. Unlike the other gods who have shrines and temples created in their names, worshippers of Istoro venerate the god in libraries. The famous Council of Scholars maintains the most comprehensive library in Vodari on the tiny eastern island of Istori. Known as the “Grand Archives”, this library has some rare records that date from ancient times, before the Godwar.    Istoro himself does not distinguish between good and evil gods, but answers any request for research or information. He prefers the company of books, tablets or scrolls to people; he rarely socializes with his fellow gods and never takes sides in their wars. He enjoys teaching young scholars and can sometimes be seen at Xoleni University, Valedo College, or one of the Arcane Academies disguised as a visiting professor.    He also attends lectures in the form of an owl, not often to learn something he doesn’t know, but to see how the topic is presented and to acquire new flourishes for his own teaching style. It is bad luck to shoo an owl from a lecture hall or a library. Owls who are not the avatar of the god have learned to take advantage of this superstition, which may be why many young scholars bring thick gloves to class.

Divine Domains

Wisdom, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An owl's eyes and beak

Tenets of Faith

  • Promote the collection and distribution of knowledge in all forms, to all people.
  • Defeat propagators of lies by shining the light of truth.
  • Protect libraries, books, and scholars and all scholarly work.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization

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