Mirta Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Mirta (meer-tah)

Each mortal life begins and ends under Mirta’s watch. This kindly goddess’s most devout followers are midwives who care for mothers and the babes they birth, and caregivers, paladins and priests who comfort the dying.   Mirta was once the goddess of birth, and her brother Morto the god of death. Mirta came to mortals in the form of a sweet and friendly midwife. The siblings existed in harmony, weaving the tapestry of the world with their strong hands. Mirta guided in the newest threads, and Morto skillfully tied off the endings.   Bringing babies into the world pleased mortals, and they sang Mirta’s praises, but not her brother’s. Morto, after many years of bitter jealousy, abandoned the tapestry and wove his own dark, necromantic shroud. The dead had no peaceful rest, no guide to the silent shore and the Seas Beyond. They wandered the world, angry, hungry, lost.    Mirta begged her brother to return and guide the hordes of dead, but Morto refused. Mirta, abandoned, sought another god to help the dead, but they all refused, except Fortana. The Goddess of luck flipped her coin, saying, “Heads, you guide the dead yourself, tails I help you.” The coin came up tails, and Mirta and Fortana guided the undead to the Darkness of the Deep, commanding the living to take up their loved ones’ bodies to bury or burn.    From that day to this, Mirta has tended to the deaths of mortals as well as their births, guiding them down to their eternal rest. She and Morto have never reconciled.

Divine Domains

Birth, Death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A circle that grows before ending

Tenets of Faith

  • Rejoice in birth and calmly accept death; both are woven into the tapestry of the world.
  • Preserve the balance of life and death by seeking out and destroying undead and those who would raise them.
  • Assist childbearing mothers when they are in need; comfort the dying, friend or foe.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization

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