Okeano Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Okeano (oak-ee-ah-no)

Fishers, pirates, merchants, sailors, islanders – all who make a living from the sea say more than a few prayers to Okeano. His most devout followers can, after years of study, learn to channel the sea’s raw power. Okeano appears in forms as changeable as the sea – sometimes an old and weary traveler, sometimes a young pearl diver, tanned and strong, sometimes a white-bearded king with a wickedly pointed fishing spear for a scepter. When leading a battle or hunt, Okeano prefers the form of a powerful orca, gliding majestically through the waves.    Okeano loves the sea and its creatures. Overhunting or polluting the waters earns his swift and terrible wrath. He is quick to anger and slow to forgive, but those who protect the ocean and its creatures earn the sea god’s favor. Okeano has rewarded some heroes with feasts held in their honor at the Palace Under the Sea.    Okeano, like the sea, is impatient with stagnation. His agile mind rushes toward the next innovation. Inventors usually pray to Sindri, but Okeano enjoys their experiments and sometimes gives great ideas a nudge toward materialization. Okeano has a neutral relationship with all his fellow gods. He has used the Palace Under the Sea not only to entertain, but also as neutral ground where the Creators and Destroyers can negotiate without violence. Okeano is closest to his sisters Sindri and Aubori, and mischievous Aerako.    Okeano rules the sea, not the winds, but he has been known to summon furious tempests, whirlpools and terrifying storms. He dives for pearls and brings the largest and most beautiful ones up from the bottom of the sea, laying them in the hands of the poorest children.

Divine Domains

Sea, Sea Creatures

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The waves of the sea

Tenets of Faith

  • Take only from the sea what is needed and protect sea life from needless harm.
  • Respect the power of the sea; do not try to challenge or master it. 
  • Take vengeance upon those who harm the sea or its living creatures.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization

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