Scatho Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Scatho (ska-though)

Scatho was the most ruthless of Taeva’s Varuva, a soldier who had seen as much discipline as he had promotion. His thirst for conquest and his lack of concern for the lives of others made him unpopular among the gentle Varu, but his brilliant strategies turned the tide of war between the Varu and Dakri. Taeva’s armies drove Vesi’s back into the depths of the sea.    Vesi, surprised and enraged at her losses, retreated to her fortress. She viciously rejected every suggestion from her Dakri generals until one of them blurted out in frustration, “Get Scatho to lead your army!”    Vesi’s seduction of Scatho has many tellings among the Vodarian cultures. Some say she lured him with her beauty; others say she promised him leadership. Maybe those tales are also true, but Scatho was tempted at last by Vesi’s whisper in his ear that he needn’t settle for being part god when he could be all god, all-powerful.    Scatho pledged himself to her victory. Vesi channelled her power into this creation of Taeva’s. She turned his relentless, uncompromising desire for conquest to her own divine evil, making him a destroyer like herself.    Scatho led the Dakri to a devastating victory, causing Taeva to salt the sea with her tears and waking angry Volkan from his slumber. Scatho gloried in his victory, ignoring the Dakri’s heavy casualties.    Scatho prefers to appear as a human or orc with long, black wavy hair, strong and solid, charm and command in his flashing eyes. He also enjoys the form of a vicious tiger, devouring those who cannot meet his challenge. Scatho believes that the strong should take what they can by force, and rule with strength. Those who worship Scatho conquer and rule in his name.

Divine Domains

Conquest, Tyranny

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The horns of a ram

Tenets of Faith

  • Sharpen your sword and conquer the weak.
  • Rule with an iron fist, and mercilessly crush any who oppose you.
  • Let nothing obstruct your path to power and glory.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization

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