Sindri Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Sindri (sin-dree)

Sindri is the patron of artisans and inventors. Miners, smiths, carvers, glaziers, designers, architects, shipwrights, and all whose creations push the boundaries of existing art and technology worship Sindri. She prefers to appear to them as a female gnome or dwarf. Her followers pray to her in the hopes that she will inspire them with boundless creativity and innovative new ideas.   Sindri dreamed through the beginning of the world. Sleeping below the sea, she envisioned the works of mortal hands before mortals existed to create them. When Volkan’s destruction calmed to form land, Sindri sculpted it into mountains and valleys with her hands, her heart, and her voice, singing the snow upon the peaks, trailing her fingers across the valleys, softening the earth for Aubori to scatter the first wild seeds.    Clever, kind and helpful, Sindri is well-liked by most of her fellow gods. Many of the items in legends and songs came from her wondrous workshop, including Okeano’s chariot, Vesi’s veil, Mirta’s loom, and Taeva’s golden sword. Sindri is fond of her divine brothers and sisters, but prefers the company of mortals. The other gods often resist change and innovation, and Sindri seeks the society of those who embrace it.    Sindri is the patroness of all creators, not just crafters of material objects. She inspires playwrights, actors and musicians, dancers, choreographers, novelists and lyricists, but those who create in more ethereal mediums follow other gods as well. Okeano is a known patron of the dance, Aerako of song, Istoro of writers, and Fortana of actors, comedians, and improvisers.

Divine Domains

Creativity, Invention

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A square-headed hammer

Tenets of Faith

  • Problems are best solved creatively.
  • New ideas and new technology are better than maintaining the status quo.
  • An open mind combined with hard work can change the world.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization

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