Tero Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Tero (tear-oh)

“Where others rend, Tero mends,” is a common saying among the worshipers of this kind and gentle god. Tero is the light shining in the darkness. He is the most popular of all deities, revered for his sacrifices during the Godwar. As the brother of Taeva and Vesi, he detests the ruinous wars they have waged against each other over the ages, but he loves both of his sisters and tries to save them from each other and themselves.    Tero is not only popular for his historical efforts at reconciliation. Children call to him when they scrape their knees, and youths when they dream of romance. Sea captains caught in a thickening fog, diplomats negotiating peace, nurses at the beds of aging patients, the man who dropped the dish he was drying, and the woman who ripped her garments on a rusty nail speak his name. They don’t expect to see the shards re-form into a dish or the threads of the garment mend themselves, but a quick prayer to Tero might prevent a deep cut, an illness, or an infection.    Tero appears as a young man with golden hair. His ancestry can vary, but he is always handsome and golden, light captured in a humanoid form. He is usually attired in worn, simple clothing, though it and he can be distinguished by their cleanliness in every season, in all weather. If he appears as an animal, he prefers an animal that has been domesticated and is helpful to mortals.    Followers of Tero pray for good health, true love, reconciliation with friends, and peace with foes. Clerics and paladins who bear the symbol of the sun are well-respected and honoured throughout Vodari. Diplomats and emissaries often worship Tero, but the god’s most devout followers dedicate their days to aiding the wretched, sick and hungry.

Divine Domains

Light, Love, Healing

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A rising sunburst with five rays

Tenets of Faith

  • End suffering wherever you encounter it.
  • Reconcile differences and make peace whenever you can.
  • Bring light and love to places of darkness by showing compassion and compromise.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
A classical depiction of Tero attempting to mediate one of the many arguments between Taeva and Vesi.

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