Toamna Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Toamna (Toe-ahm-nah)

A female halfling, warm and round, she laughs heartily, and works as enthusiastically as she nurtures. Toamna is the patron of farmers and herders, of all who earn their living from the land. She rewards those who labor to make the earth a suitable place for crops to thrive and those who care for their herds humanely.   Toamna is known to walk among mortals, often appearing to her worshipers as a halfling of their preferred gender, blessing each season with rituals of fertility. She enjoys rough humor and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty. She and Fortana often frequent local pubs, smoking their pipes and drinking flagons of ale. Fortana gravitates toward the games of chance, Toamna to the farmers on the prowl.   Sometimes Toamna presents herself as an itinerant laborer, eager to put in a day’s work. If she is treated kindly and given a well-prepared meal at the end of her shift, she blesses the crops of the farm that hired her, protecting them from pestilence, weather and other blights that season. However, if she is mistreated or rushed while she is eating, Toamna curses the farm and farmers instead.   Toamna allies herself with the other Creators. She appreciates Taeva’s structured approach to leadership, and the two of them have been known to strategize for Taeva’s worshipers who want to retire from the military and start cultivating their land. Toamna and Fortana do not have a formal alliance, but they maintain a close friendship.   Despite her allegiance with Taeva, Toamna despises the wars waged by her siblings, and refuses to get drawn into the conflict. Two of the first casualties of any war are the crops and the farmers themselves. Toamna strongly opposes this devastation of her worshipers.

Divine Domains

Agriculture, Fertility

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two stalks of grain

Tenets of Faith

  • Cultivate the land and teach others to do the same.
  • End famine by feeding the hungry, discourage pestilence by caring for crops and the land where they grow.
  • Be kind to the poor, especially those who help you tend your land.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization

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