Vesi Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Vesi (vess-ee)

Vesi, twin sister of golden Taeva, preferred to be left alone and free in the darkness. When they were young, Taeva made rules and Vesi broke them. Taeva chose the games and Vesi changed them. Vesi hid, giggling while Taeva sought her.    After the dreaming time, Taeva emerged, ordering the world around her, but Vesi released the elements from Taeva’s bonds. Taeva raged and Vesi laughed, fleeing to the dark side of the world. Taeva commanded their brother Tero to fill Vesi’s shadows with blinding, revealing light.    Tero’s light burned his sister’s sensitive eyes. Screaming, she dove into the sea, retreating to the darkness of deep water.    “She shrieks with rage,” said Taeva. “We’ve foiled her evil plans.”    Vesi drew veils over her eyes and murmured chants of healing. When she found the Dakri living under the sea, she led them to the surface, forcing them to suffer the pain of Tero’s searing light.    “See what they have done to us,” she hissed. “Does the world’s new light hurt you, my children? Does the pain fill you with anger?”    Vesi never veiled the Dakri’s eyes. She allowed their torture to continue until they were ready for their revenge on Taeva, Tero, and all who followed them.    Vesi detests the order Taeva has established in the civilized world. In her mind, chaos and freedom are one and the same. Vesi values her own freedom from rules and structures, and her own free will above all things, and she cultivates these values in her mortal followers.    Vesi sows lies and discord to churn the world like a stormy sea. Her followers work for rebellion and disorder, opening the door for chaos to turn civilization into rubble.    Vesi appears to mortals as a dark elf with pale skin, violet eyes, and long, black hair. Her voice, whether she is speaking or singing, is high and shrill, sometimes melodic, sometimes harsh enough to break glass.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Storms, Darkness

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A jagged spiral storm

Tenets of Faith

  • Destroy institutions that bring order to civilized lands.
  • Spread chaos and disorder.
  • Let nothing cease your pursuit of absolute freedom.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
A classical depiction of Taeva and Vesi, with Tero mediating.

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