Volkan Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Volkan (vole-can)

In the beginning, the young god Volkan slumbered in his egg, warm below the earth’s crust under the ocean. He dreamed of feasts and victories, of burning enemies with his fiery breath. His form shifted from red dragon to scarlet-scaled dragonborn as he grew to enormous size.    When the battle cries of the twin goddesses, Taeva and Vesi, shattered his bellicose dreams, Volkan burst from his egg in fury, cracking the ocean floor. He rose above the waves in a geyser of molten lava, roaring at the twins and scattering their terrified forces. The fallout from his eruption created the continent of Varanu and inspired many worshipers to follow this new god. Volkan, who values destruction above creation, rejected these false followers.    Like the volcanoes he shares his name with, Volkan is hot-tempered, and enjoys indiscriminate destruction. When a volcano erupts, his fury enters the world and all that it touches is reborn by fire. In dragon form, Volkan hunts voraciously, preying on mortals, animals, and monsters. He alternates between relentless hunting and years of hibernation, allowing populations to recover.    When Volkan first emerged, he was so angry at the twins that he didn’t notice their sisters watching him. Clever Sindri imagined her forge lit by dragonfire. Wild Aubori gazed at the young god, just… imagining.    Years after the day she first saw him, Aubori walked unburned through the ashes of what had once been a riot of adventurous weeds by the banks of the River Thyme. Her long, golden hair glinted in the sun like dragon scales, her green eyes flattened like a reptile’s as she surveyed the devastation. Such beauty. He wondered if she’d fight him.    His heart thumped in the large cavity of his chest. Her head turned. Had she heard his heartbeat? Aubori took a delicate step, and suddenly she was beside him, upon him, a wild creature with passion worthy of a dragonborn, a maelstrom of touch, tender and harsh, his mystery and his equal.    When the leaves grow red and pointed in the shape of flames or when fireworks fill the sky in patterns like spring blossoms, Vodarians know that these two gods are still in love.    Volkan now has many true followers, especially among the dragonborn. His most devout followers are known for conducting ritual sacrifices to appease him.

Divine Domains

Fire, Destruction

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A volcano with smoke in a spiral

Tenets of Faith

  • Understand that only through destruction and fire there is creation and renewal.
  • Unleash all of your fury and anger to destroy your enemies, holding nothing back.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization

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