April Valis

First daughter of the head of the Valis house, Nioraku, and the twin sister of Corus. They were given no favors, beyond the money needed to raise, feed, and clothe the two; their mother was pragmatic with bringing up her children, refusing to spoil them with the fortune she had amassed. Once the two were independent, they were given their belongings, and a nominal gift of money, and were shunted out of the house to make their own path.
April's fire had her wanting to lead the way, but, she quickly realized that, though it singed her a bit, Corus did have the better plan for things. She found her calling when her brother struggled to nail an exchange. The pair migrated out towards the edge of their hometown, Asayuma, and discovered that there was an abundance of unclaimed scrap. While Corus cleaned the scrap, securing it, it fell to April to sell it. With this arrangement, the pair made enough to scrape by, but one slow night, the two turned their eyes skyward, as a Federation starship soared through the air. Musing on where it'd come from, the seeds that would one day lead the pair to seek escape from their humble home had been planted.
Months, nearly a year, of pinching every krugel they could, the pair of junkers had finally saved up enough to hitch a ride off-world. The two gathered up their belongings- including their bent datapads, the clothing on their backs, and a few packs of preserved foods, each- and made their way to the Asayuman starport, and bought passage on a shuttle.
And like that, the two had hit the wall; two cats out of the wild, with only a few krugels- credits once they had it exchanged- to their name. Corus took initiative, gained himself a proper job, while April, figuring she didn't have the right mindset to be just a drone in the system, turned to the Galactanet, and after watching a few people streaming their lives, she signed up, and started to put herself out there. She amasses a modest following in a few months of consistent streaming, and one of them was a frequent flier, constantly flattering her with praise over her appearance, and defending her beauty to those who would decry her as a 'beast'. In her naivete, she didn't recognize the red flags, and on the third year of her career, just as she was starting to make some money, she found herself locked out of her account, and the one who claimed responsibility is him. The lover-boy, apparently bitter that she hadn't given him the attention he craved. The service wasn't responding quick enough to her liking, and after three reports and problem tickets, she turned to her following, asking for ways of getting her account back. One link leads to another, and at the end of the rabbithole, she's taught some shady backdoors, and how to look out for them. With their advice, she gets her account back, but the whole thing burned her enthusiasm.
On the tail end of her crashed and burned streaming career, Corus was starting to join up with the Federation Academy, and while she doesn't realize he had an in for himself, she decided to sign herself up as well. Still feeling that vigorous fire, she splits her time between partying with classmates, and studying. Still, 4 years later, standing side by side with her brother, she manages to graduate strong, proud of her own accomplishments.
The first day in boot camp, they were familiarized with some conventions of running a starship, and playing one's part as a crewmate. A week in, the linemen that remain are ferried into orbit, and brought aboard the training FI-Cor/9089, dubbed the "Centaur". This ship would be the home of these hopeful cadets for the next 4 years.
Things are routine for the next while, though it surprises her when she finds a message from the streaming service she'd long since abandoned. As a result of her leaving, her fans had put up a lot of fuss about their glacial response time, and the pressure of mass exodus spurred them into paying amends to her. Too little too late, given she's aboard a state-of-the-art military vessel, but, she smiles, and sends them a sincere "thank you". The bridge was burned to its frame, but, there may yet be wood left to repair it. Midway through musing, the Centaur is struck on the broadside by a volley, and she barely has time to dress herself before chaos erupts over the intercom. Being midship, with no accessways to anything that could help, she pipes up as morale support, and attempts to keep her fellow cadets calm. After the surprise skirmish, each of the cadets is given commendations for their performance, and though this commendation would mean great things for the mauren, the two knew well that they wouldn't be sticking to the Navy for long after this. With commission from time served, and skills learned, Corus and April set about on their own once more, putting much of their money towards Freelance starships.
Old Description
April was born on a world at the very fringe of Federation territory. Life was simple enough, but, as is traditional for felines, she became curious. After a few years, and a lot of trying, she managed to save up enough money with the help of her brother, and was able to purchase transit off the homeworld for the both of them. Though, of course, her brother and she did get conscripted the Federation army. "That was unpleasant." she would explain, "But, we got some pretty decent know-how from it all." So, a few years after, they both settled into a Federation world, became employed locally, and eventually bought a couple of Freelance ships. One for her, the other for him. Now free from the shackles of the planet, she enjoys taking joyrides throughout the System when not taking contracts for a client.


Corus Valis


Towards April Valis


April Valis


Towards Corus Valis


Character Creation
Year 18, the two get off-world, and each find their own calling on a Federation main world. While Corus got an office job, the hormonal April opted to leverage her looks and become an Entertainer(performer) 09(3 5 +1)
Art Carouse Deception Drive Persuade Steward
Survial 1st term? 07[5 3 -1] Survives. Event? 10(6 4) One of your pieces of art is stolen Her stream account is compromised for a time, and the investigation to get it back brings her into the criminal underworld. Gain one of Streetwise 1, Investigate 1, Recon 1 or Stealth 1.
Advancement? Dex 11(5 5 +1)
Term Two(+4 years)
Military Academy(INT 9+): entry 09[6 6 -2(term two) -1], entered Pilot 0 Vacc Suit 0 Athletics 0 Gunner 0 Mechanic 0 Gun Combat 0 Event: 5(3 2) Taking advantage of youth, you party as much as you study. Gain Carouse 1.
Graduated? 09(5 5 -1)
If entering the same military career the academy is tied to, select any three Service Skills and increase them to level 1. Pilot 1 Mechanic 1 Gun Combat 1 EDU +1 Graduation allows automatic entry into the military career the academy is tied to, so long as it is the first career attempted by the Traveller after graduation. Graduation allows a Commission roll to be taken before the first term of a military career, so long as it is the first career chosen after university, with DM+2. Success will mean the Traveller enters the career at officer rank (O1). If graduation was with honours, the Traveller will automatically pass this roll.

Navy(Line/Crew): Qualification 08(6 3 -1 INT) Commission? 6(5 1 +0 SOC) failed, starts at square 1. Survival? 4(4 1 -1 INT) sucess. Event? 7(5 2) Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table. 10(6 4)Good Fortune: Something good happens to you; you come into money unexpectedly, have a lifelong dream come true, get a book published or have some other stroke of good fortune. Gain DM+2 to any one Benefit roll.
Muster rewards 8(6 +2): Cr50000, SOC +2
1.5 meter per square. 20 x 1.5, 3 x 1.5 = 34.5(113ft 2.267719in)
Date of Birth
April 14th, 2664
Year of Birth
2664 PE 24 Years old
Corus Valis (Brother)